2021 Global Learning Institute

Inaugural Global Learning Institute 2021

The Center for Global Learning and Engagement (CGLE) successfully launched UCA’s first Global Learning Institute in summer 2021!  

Partnering with UCA’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Academic Leadership, we hosted the inaugural Global Learning Institute on June 17, 2021, on the topic of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL).   

What is COIL?

“COIL Collaborations are developed by partnering professors from different institutions who want to enrich their courses with student interaction and collaborative learning.  Professors work together to design and implement the COIL Collaboration, allowing COIL to be customized to meet the needs of any class, in any discipline.  It takes planning and careful attention to design to have a successful COIL Collaboration that benefits students, professors and institutions. Visit What is COIL? to learn more and see examples of past COIL Collaborations.” (https://coil.suny.edu/)

Fourteen UCA faculty and staff attended the Intro to COIL workshop along with seven faculty members from our international partners around the world.

The 2021 UCA Global Learning Fellows included: Riva Brown, Associate Professor of Public Relations; Denise Demers, Associate Professor of Health Sciences; Adam Frank, Professor (Honors College); Adrian Gardner, Senior Lecturer of Communication; Cindy Lea, Lecturer in Honors College; Catherine Miller, Visiting Clinical Instructor in Elementary, Literacy, & Special Education; Kristin Okoli, Assistant Professor of French; Brent Shires, Associate Professor of Horn, and Angela Webster, Associate Vice President for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion

Five UCA Global Learning Fellows made their courses “Global Classrooms” in Spring 2022

In Spring 2022 five UCA faculty transformed their classrooms into “Global Classrooms” through the use of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL).  The classes below are paired with another class in the country indicated.  These classes are not online classes!  Students complete a group project with students in the international partner classroom, working outside of the classroom to examine the chosen topic through the cultural lenses/perspectives represented in the students and faculty in the two classes.