Erin Wiley

Assistant Professor of Biology

Lewis Science Center 019

(501) 450-5919


Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2013

Research Interests:

Tree ecophysiology
Forest Ecology
Climate Change

As a tree ecophysiologist, I am interested in how physiological processes are affected by climate and biotic interactions and how these effects in turn limit growth and cause mortality in trees.  My lab’s research is directed at understanding carbon (C) allocation in trees, with a particular focus on carbohydrate storage.  Carbohydrate storage provides a source of C that can be remobilized for use when photosynthesis can’t meet a tree’s current demands; it therefore can be an important adaptation to cope with stress and disturbance.  Our goal is to gain a better understanding of what controls carbohydrate allocation and remobilization in trees, and how these processes affect tree performance and survival.