University Safety Committee


  1. To recommend to the vice president for finance and administration policies that ensure an environment free from unreasonable risk, thereby reducing the number and severity of occupational illnesses and injuries.
  2. To serve as a resource for the various administrative units on campus, assisting them in the identification and correction of unsafe conditions or practices in their areas.
  3. To serve as the coordinating body in monitoring compliance with safety regulations.
  4. To recommend to the vice president for finance and administration expenditures necessary to achieve the university’s safety goals.


The occupational safety and health program director, director of student health services, director of public safety, associate vice president for human resources and risk management, the university’s general counsel, one faculty member appointed by the Faculty Senate, two staff members appointed by the Staff Senate, one student member appointed by the Student Government Association.

Faculty members will serve four-year terms, staff members will serve two-year terms and student members will serve one-year terms. The chair is appointed by the vice president for finance and administration and the secretary is elected by the committee.


V.P. of Finance and Administration
Terri Canino

Director of Physical Plant
Kevin Carter

Assistant Director of Physical Plant
Nelson Landers

Environmental Health and Safety
Adam Hensley

Associate Director of Housing

Assistant Chief Police Dept.
Chris Bentley

Associate Vice President of Human Resources and Risk Management
Bridget Fortenberry


Faculty Senate

Staff Senate

Student Government


at least once per semester as needed

Reports to

Vice President for Finance and Administration

Meeting Minutes

November 3, 2011
April 4, 2011
March 10, 2011
February 3, 2011

Safety Concerns

UCA students, faculty and staff are encouraged to email any safety concerns to the University Safety Committee at

Page last updated: Aug. 25, 2021