Upper-Division UCA Core

Quick Guide to the UCA Upper-Division Core

The table on this page lists all UCA courses that fulfill one or more requirements in the upper-division (UD) UCA Core. The list is updated from time and time and is intended to be accurate as of the list-updated date indicated on this page. Note, though, that your program’s Academic Map, the Undergraduate Bulletin, and your academic advisor remain important sources of information about UD UCA Core courses specific to your major.

Table Legend

  • SUBJ (subject)
  • CNUM (course number)
  • TITLE (title of the course, sometimes abbreviated)
  • CAT1, CAT2 indicate the UD UCA Core category or categories for which the course fulfills a requirement: I = Critical Inquiry, C = Communication, D = Diversity, R = Responsible Living, and Z = UCA Core Capstone. Since a UD UCA Core course may fulfill up to two categories, using two columns makes sorting for a category easier.
  • NON-MAJR includes a “Y” to identify a UD UCA Core course that is available for students not in a particular major or minor; “N” identifies a course that is available only to students in particular majors or minors.
  • RESTR indicates whether or not the course requires any prerequisites or has any other registration restriction. Courses that are available to non-majors/-minors and have “Y” in the RESTR column generally have prerequisites that are part of the lower-division UCA Core. For specific information about prerequisites or other restrictions, see the course pages in the Undergraduate Bulletin.

List updated: October 16, 2024

Typing a term in the Search field will—in a rudimentary way—filter the table. For example, if you type BIOL, you will filter the list to include only records that include the letters “biol” (upper- or lowercase).

ACCT3326Fraud ExaminationRYN
AFAM4105Senior Interdisciplinary Capstone ProjectZNY
ANTH3321Qualitative Research MethodsICYY
ART3140Portfolio IIRNY
ART3301History of Modern ArtDYN
ART3302History of American ArtDYN
ART3303Nineteenth Century Art HistoryDYN
ART3307Arts of AfricaDYN
ART3311Ancient South American ArtDYN
ART3315Contemporary Media in 3-DCINY
ART3320Photography IICINY
ART3329Ancient Mesoamerican ArtDYN
ART3331Advanced IllustrationCINY
ART3333Painting IICINY
ART3344Printmaking IICINY
ART3345Printmaking IIICINY
ART3346Printmaking IVCINY
ART3354Composition in DesignCINY
ART3357Emergent ArtCINY
ART3362Sculture IICINY
ART3363History of Graphic DesignDYN
ART3365Women in ArtDYN
ART3380Slip Casting and Glaze FormulationCINY
ART3385Art of IndiaDYN
ART4140Portfolio Assessment IIIZNY
ART4160BFA ExhibitZNY
ART4372Senior SeminarZNY
BIOL3315Women and Minorities in STEMDYY
BIOL3402Cell BiologyICNY
BIOL3403General EcologyINY
BIOL4195Biology CapstoneZNY
BIOL4465Environmental ToxicologyZNY
BIOL4V85Undergraduate ResearchZNY
CHIN3300Advanced Chinese Grammar IICYY
CHIN3303Advanced Chinese Grammar IIICNY
CHIN3312Culture and Society: Advanced Readings in Modern ChinaDINY
CHIN3320Advanced Readings in Chinese LiteratureDINY
CHIN3380Advanced Composition and Textual AnalysisIRNY
CHIN4110Chinese Senior Capstone ProjectZNY
CISA3328Systems Analysis and DesignCNY
CISA4355Project ManagementZNY
COMM3301Organizational CommunicationCRNY
COMM3307Interpersonal CommunicationDNY
COMM3310Advanced Public SpeakingIYY
COMM4130Communication PracticumZNY
CRWR3320Forms of ScreenwritingINY
CRWR3321Forms of PlaywritingINY
CRWR3325Forms of PoetryDINY
CRWR3330Forms of Creative NonfictionDINY
CRWR3331Forms of Illustrated NarrativeDINY
CRWR3335Forms of FictionDINY
CRWR3372Creative Nonfiction WorkshopCRNY
CRWR3373Illustrated Narrative WorkshopCNY
CRWR4324Topics in Creative WritingZNY
CRWR4330Literary Citizenship and Professional IssuesCRNY
CRWR4340Teaching Creative WritingDNY
CSCI3360Database SystemsCNY
CSCI4315Information SecurityRNY
CSCI4321Ethical Implications of a Global, Diverse, and Technological SocietyDRNY
CSCI4490Software EngineeringZNY
CSCI4491Applied Data ScienceZNY
CSD4322Cultural & Linguistic InfluencesDNY
CSD4340Research Principles and PracticeICNY
CSD4343Capstone in Communication Sciences and DisordersZNY
CSEC3320Computer ForensicsIYY
CSEC4490Cybersecurity CapstoneZNY
ECON3302Intermediate MacroeconomicsICYY
ECON3310Public Sector EconomicsRYY
ECON3330Environmental EconomicsRYY
ECON4335International TradeDYY
ECON4380Senior Seminar in EconomicsZNY
ELSE4307Instructional Programming and Techniques for Young Diversity LearnersDRNY
ELSE4315Workshop Approach to Teaching Writing in the K-12 ClassroomCNY
ELSE4322Promoting Content Area Literacy for Adolescents with DisabilitiesCNY
ELSE4331Data-Driven Instructional PlanningINY
ELSE4T90Internship IIZNY
ENGL3315Gender and LanguageCDNY
ENGL3320Literature for the Middle GradesDNY
ENGL3325Advanced Readings in World LiteratureDYY
ENGL3335English Language StudiesCNY
ENGL3345Literature and the Examined LifeRYY
ENGL4312Early American Literature and CultureDNY
ENGL431319th-Century American Literature and CultureDNY
ENGL431420th- and 21st-Century American Literature and CultureDINY
ENGL4325Post-Colonial Literature and CultureCRNY
ENGL4335Senior SeminarZYY
ENGL4360History and Structure of the English LanguageCNY
ENGL4361Literature for AdolescentsDNY
ENGL4362Southern Literature and CultureDNY
ENGL4363Topics in Advanced Film and LiteratureCIYN
ENGL4370Gender and Sexuality in LiteratureDNY
ENGL4380African and African American LiteratureDNY
ENGL4382Race in American LiteratureDNY
ENGL4V85Travel Seminar in EnglishDYY
ENGR4312Senior Design 2ZNY
ENVR3410Environmental Theory and ApplicationDCNY
ENVR4410Environmental PracticumZNY
EXSS3348Exercise Prescription for General PopulationsRNY
EXSS4320Measurement and Evaluation in Human PerformanceZNY
EXSS4351Sport and Fitness AdministrationCNY
EXSS4395Sport in American SocietyDYY
FACS3311Resource ManagementCNY
FACS3372Personal and Family FinanceIRNY
FACS4316Women in PovertyDYN
FACS4335Seminar Abroad: Body Image and CultureDYN
FACS4340FCS Professional PracticeZNY
FACS4T90Internship IIZNY
FILM3351Cinema History IIDNY
FILM4315Film TheoryIRNY
FILM4356Film Production 3CNY
FILM4357Film Production 4ZNY
FINA3330Managing Finance and CapitalINY
FINA3350Personal Financial PlanningRYN
FINA4336Advanced Financial ManagementCNY
FREN3300Advanced Grammar and Composition IICYY
FREN3303Advanced Grammar and Composition IIICYY
FREN3312French CivilizationDIYY
FREN3315Issues of Cultural Identity in the Francophone WorldDRNY
FREN3321French Literature IIDINY
FREN3370French TranslationDINY
FREN4110Senior Capstone ProjectZNY
FREN4396Topics in Francophone CulturesDRNY
GEOG3300World Regional GeographyCDYN
GEOG3301Conservation of Natural ResourcesRNY
GEOG3305Economic GeographyIYN
GEOG3315Geography of Latin AmericaDCNY
GEOG3325Urban and Regional PlanningRNY
GEOG3333Geography of Natural HazardsRNY
GEOG3335Geography of Europe and RussiaDNY
GEOG3345Geography of China and East AsiaDNY
GEOG3371Urban GeographyIYN
GEOG3380Geography of ArkansasDNY
GEOG3381Political GeographyIYY
GEOG3403Geographic Information SystemsINY
GEOG4304Water ResourcesRNY
GEOG4313Recreation and TourismIRYN
GEOG4390Historical Geography of the United StatesDNY
GEOG4391Research SeminarZNY
GERM3300Advanced Grammar and Composition IDCYY
GERM3303Advanced Grammar and Composition IIICYY
GERM3312German CivilizationDCYY
GERM3320Introduction to German LiteratureDIYY
GERM4395Advanced German LiteratureDINY
GEST4380General Studies CapstoneZNY
H SC4311Group Counseling SkillsCNY
H SC4314Multicultural Counseling and AddictionDNN
H SC4321Co-occurring Disorders in Addiction TreatmentINN
H SC4322Legal and Ethical Issues in AddictionRNN
H SC4610Practicum in Substance AbuseZNN
HIST3320History of Christianity IRYN
HIST3321History of Christianity IIRYN
HIST3340Introduction to American Indian History, 1500-PresentIYN
HIST3351Ancient CivilizationCYN
HIST3353African-American History Before 1868IYN
HIST3354African-American History, 1868-PresentIYN
HIST3360Pre-Colonial African HistoryDYN
HIST3365Modern African HistoryDYN
HIST3368Tools of WarDYN
HIST3381American Military HistoryIYN
HIST3383Modern ChinaDYN
HIST3384Modern JapanDYN
HIST3385World Military History: A Survey of Global Conflict PatternsDYN
HIST4301American Environmental HistoryCRYN
HIST4302History of WitchcraftICYN
HIST4304Material Culture: Finding History in Everyday ThingsIYN
HIST4305The United States and the Middle EastIYN
HIST4306Atlantic Slave TradeDYN
HIST4307Queer History of the United StatesDIYN
HIST4308Gender in American HistoryICYN
HIST4311American Colonial and Revolutionary HistoryICYN
HIST4314Departmental Honors Thesis WritingZNN
HIST4317Age of Wonders: The Natural Versus Supernatural WorldRYN
HIST4322Early National History, 1783-1848IYN
HIST4324Topics in American HistoryIYN
HIST4327The American WestIYN
HIST4328Modern Latin AmericaDYN
HIST4333US Immigration and Ethnic History from Colonial Times to PresentICYN
HIST4335Diplomatic History of the United StatesICYN
HIST4336Work, Wealth, and Power in US HistoryIYN
HIST4338American History through FilmIYN
HIST4339History of Science in AmericaRYN
HIST4340Robber Barons, Radicals, and ReformersIYN
HIST4341The Vietnam WarCIYN
HIST4343History of MexicoDYN
HIST4344Topics in World HistoryDYN
HIST4345The South to 1865ICYN
HIST4346The South since 1865IYN
HIST4350America in Depression and War, 1920-1960IYN
HIST4355Role of Arkansas in the NationIYN
HIST4356Nets, Reels, Bows, and BulletsRYN
HIST4358Recent American HistoryIYN
HIST4359Civil Rights Movement HistoryICYN
HIST4360The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity, 300-900 ADCYN
HIST4365History of Imperialism: A Review of World Colonial SystemsDYN
HIST4372Pan-Africanism, Anticolonialism, and African UnityDRYN
HIST4386The War in the Pacific, 1931-1945DYN
HIST4390Roman CivilizationCYN
HIST4395Postwar Japan Through FilmDYN
HIST4398Gender and Sexuality in Modern East AsiaCDYN
HLTH3300Methods and Materials for Health PromotionCYN
HLTH3301The Health Promotion ProfessionRYN
HLTH3305Human SexualityDYN
HLTH3320Epidemiological ResearchIYN
HLTH4343Health Strategies for Multicultural PopulationsDYN
HLTH4370Administration of Health ProgramsCYN
HLTH4391Leadership in Health SciencesZYN
HLTH4395Contemporary Health Concerns: WomenDYN
HLTH4396Contemporary Health Concerns: MenDYN
HLTH4600Health Promotion InternshipZNN
HONC3320Honors Oxford TutorialICNY
HONC4310Honors Senior SeminarDRNY
HONC4320Honors ThesisZNY
HONP3320Multidisciplinary Research MethodsCINY
HONP4320Honors CapstoneZNY
IDSN3340History of Interiors, Architectures, and Furniture IDCNY
IDSN3341History of Interiors, Architectures, and Furniture IIDCNY
IDSN3355Introduction to Historic PreservationIRNY
IDSN4305Advanced Interior Design StudioZNY
INSU4320Corporate Risk ManagementCYY
JOUR3308News EditingICNY
LALS3300Topics in Latin American and Latino StudiesDIYN
LING4110Capstone in LinguisticsZNY
LING4305Cognitive LinguisticsIYY
LING4330Educational LinguisticsCYY
LING4370Field Methods in LinguisticsIRNY
MATH3320Linear AlgebraINY
MATH3331Ordinary Differential EquationsCNY
MATH4301Secondary Mathematics MethodsCNY
MATH4306Modeling and SimulationZNY
MATH4350Introduction to the History of MathematicsDNY
MATH4362Advanced Calculus IZNY
MATH4371Introduction to Probability TheoryRNY
MATH4395Practicum in Data ScienceZNY
MATH4T80Teaching Internship IIZNY
MCOM3301Media Law and EthicsDRYY
MGMT3315International Business CommunicationsCNY
MGMT3340Managing People and WorkDRNY
MGMT4347Managing Policy and StrategyZNY
MGMT4348Advanced Organizational BehaviorCNY
MGMT4376New Venture CreationCYY
MGMT4385Safety and Motor Carrier PolicyCYY
MILS4301Leadership and ManagementDRNY
MKTG4355Marketing ManagementCNY
MSIT3310Learning and DevelopmentDRYN
MSIT4321Classroom AssessmentINY
MSIT4325Disciplinary LiteracyCYN
MSIT4T90Internship IIZNY
MUS3302Music History IDCYY
MUS3303Music History IIDCNY
MUS3312Musical Development and LearningRNY
MUS4102Senior RecitalZNY
MUS4108Senior ProjectZNY
MUS4214Introduction to Electroacoustic MusicCINY
MUS4301Jazz History I: An American Art FormDYN
MUS4302Jazz History IICINY
MUS4311Linear AnalysisINY
MUS4340Internship IICNY
MUS4T90Internship IIZNY
NURS4315Research and Evidence-Based PracticeICNY
NURS4316Scholarship in Nursing PracticeICNY
NURS4320Health Policy and Professional Issues in NursingDNY
NURS4322Health Policy and Healthcare SystemsDNY
NURS4430Immersion ExperienceZNY
NURS4511Community and Population Health for RNsRNY
NURS4530Community and Population HealthRNY
NUTR4301Research in Nutrition and Family SciencesZNY
NUTR4335Nutrition Senior SeminarZNY
NUTR4336Seminar Abroad: Nutrition for LifeDYN
NUTR4339Community Nutrition PracticumZNY
NUTR4395Nutrition: Contemporary IssuesDNY
PADM3320Public Policy AnalysisZNY
PADM4350Intergovernmental RelationsCYY
PETE3330Physical Education for Elementary GradesRNY
PHIL3300Greek and Roman PhilosophyICYN
PHIL3310Symbolic LogicIYN
PHIL3325Legal and Political PhilosophyIRYN
PHIL3331Global Philosophy of ReligionIYN
PHIL3340African American Philosophy (to be Critical Theories of Race)DRYN
PHIL3345Feminist PhilosophyDRYN
PHIL3352Asian Philosophy and ReligionDCYN
PHIL3360Philosophy of the ArtsCYN
PHIL3380Philosophy of ScienceICYN
PHIL4310Great Works in PhilosophyZYN
PHIL4320Applied EthicsDRYN
PHIL4340Meanings of LifeZYN
PHYS3315Women and Minorities in STEMDYY
PHYS4211Senior Capstone 2ZNY
PRLS3310Writing for Public RelationsCNY
PRLS4305Public Relations Cases and CampaignsZNY
PRLS4308Social Media ManagementINY
PRLS4312Multicultural Public RelationsDNY
PSCI3305United Nations and International PoliticsIYY
PSCI3315International Law and OrganziationsICYY
PSCI3316Cybersecurity Law and PolicyCYY
PSCI3320Environmental PoliticsIRYY
PSCI3345Women, Gender, and Identity in American PoliticsDYY
PSCI3355Race and American PoliticsDYY
PSCI3370Political Theory IRYY
PSCI3371Political Theory IIIRYY
PSCI3382Politics of Developing NationsDCYY
PSCI4300Constitutional LawIYY
PSCI4301Civil LibertiesIYY
PSCI4307Political EthicsIRYY
PSCI4310International Political Economy and GlobalizationZYY
PSCI4312China & International PoliticsDYY
PSCI4320Revolution and Political ViolenceCDYY
PSCI4328Dynamics of DemocratizationZYY
PSCI4331American Political TheoryIRYY
PSCI4334The American PresidencyICYY
PSCI4345Governments and Politics of AfricaDYY
PSCI4348Governments and Politics of the Middle EastDYY
PSYC3341Multicultural PsychologyDIYY
PSYC3342Psychology of WomenDNY
PSYC4301Psychology Apprenticeship IZNY
PSYC4311Psychology in ContextDNY
PSYC4323Health PsychologyRYY
PSYC4326Media PsychologyCNY
PSYC4327Positive PsychologyRYY
PSYC4351Applied Behavior AnalysisCNY
PSYC4354Judgment and Decision-MakingICYY
PSYC4377Study Abroad in PsychologyDYN
RELG3300Religion in the United StatesDYN
RELG3301Theories and Methods in Religious StudiesICYN
RELG3302Religion and Social JusticeDIYN
RELG3318Religion, Pop Culture, and FilmIRYN
RELG3326Asian Religions in American Society and CultureDIYN
RELG3330Religion and GenderDRYN
RELG3332Jewish ScripturesIDYN
RELG3333Christian ScripturesIYN
RELG3340Religion, Science, and TechnologyDRYN
RELG3342New and Alternative Religious MovementsDYN
RELG3345African/African American Religious ThoughtDRYN
RELG3380Internship in Religious StudiesZNY
RELG4320Contemporary Religious ThoughtZYN
RELG4325Postmodern TheologyZYN
SOC3310Racial and Ethnic RelationsDRYY
SOC3320Social Research MethodsICYY
SOC3321Qualitative Research MethodsICYY
SOC3361Gender RolesDRYY
SPAN3300Advanced Grammar and CompositionICNY
SPAN3303Advanced Composition and Textual AnalysisICNY
SPAN3312Spanish CivilizationDINY
SPAN3313Latin American CivilizationDINY
SPAN3315Topics in Hispanic StudiesDRNY
SPAN3320Spanish LiteratureDINY
SPAN3321Spanish American LiteratureDINY
SPAN3380Spanish Practicum in Service LearningRNY
SPAN4110Senior Capstone ProjectZNY
THEA3324Theatre History IIYN
THEA3325Theatre History IIDCYN
THEA4300Professional IssuesRNY
THEA4320Directing for the StageZNY
WRID3310Technical WritingCYY
WRID3315Center for Writing and Communication PracticumCYY
WRID3390Discourse AnalysisIRYY
WRID4308Writing for Change: Advocacy WritingZYY
WRID4320Intercultural Rhetoric and WritingDYY