The University of Central Arkansas is a changemaker through the transformative work we do by educating students and creating lifelong opportunities. It makes sense to highlight the work of individuals and groups embracing the spirit of what it means to be an agent of change in their respective industries, communities, and on campus. This issue of UCA Magazine will introduce several of our changemakers.
One such instance is Chance Garrett ’18, ’23, a fish ecologist. Through his work, Garrett is helping to monitor and, in some cases, increase the number of fish species on endangered lists. Garrett is literally changing the aquaculture environment in our state. Read more about Garrett in this issue, but also be sure to read about professors Ginny and Reid Adams. Both biology professors have profoundly impacted Garrett’s academic and career interests and are making a difference in our freshwater fish populations.
This issue showcases the work of three alumni from the College of Health and Behavioral Sciences. Jordan Bellew ’20, LaTeasha Davis ’06, ’08, and Beth Helms ’13, ’15 all work in the health care industry in different parts of the state, but their work accounts for helping hundreds of Arkansans each year by helping them manage their health care needs.
You will also learn more about Michael Hargis, UCA’s new provost and executive vice president. Michael has been a part of the UCA family since 2006 and has progressively worked within the College of Business before starting in July as provost. This issue reveals how Michael has already begun leading the work on the university’s strategic plan and his plans to keep UCA moving forward.
This issue showcases the new College of Science and Engineering (COSE). UCA established this college to meet the growing demand of students interested in engineering programs here, as well as local and regional employers interested in hiring UCA alumni. COSE is organized into six departments and is home to the UCA Institute of STEM Professional Development and Education Research.
This is just a snippet of what is inside this issue of UCA Magazine. These pages are filled with so many great stories about the change-making work happening in our UCA community, and I hope they add to the joyous holiday feeling of the season.
Go Bears!
Dr. Houston D. Davis