
Brightspace Page LayoutD2L Brightspace is a comprehensive learning management system that is modern and easy to use for faculty, staff, and students. It offers new capabilities to support teaching and learning across different modalities, supports growth in online learning, provides advanced analytics that contribute to student success, and lays a foundation for engaging learning experiences that facilitate Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) in online courses.

Brightspace is celebrated for its accessibility, dependability, and cutting-edge design.

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Notable Strengths

  • Content Creation Flexibility: Rich HTML editor with extensive template options
  • Accessibility Excellence: Built-in accessibility checker that helps ensure all materials meet standards
  • Robust Discussions: Discussion forums offer advanced moderation and assessment capabilities
  • Intelligent Agents: Automated communications based on customizable triggers
  • Plain Language: Navigation, settings, and in-tool support is all written in plain language



Key Features

Key Features – Assignments
  • Clear option to add audio/video overviews for assignments
  • Submission Types: file upload, text box, physical paper, observations
  • Bulk editing of basic assignment settings
  • Peer review not integrated in assignments
ID Takeaways – Assignments

Assignment building and managing feels intuitive with Brightspace. Things are primarily labeled with words instead of icons and tend to be located at the point of need. There’s an assignment idea generation tool available in the editor along with access to connect course learning objectives to each assignment.

Key Features – Quizzes
  • Range of question formats – 12 total. Automatic grading of most question types. Uses a Question Library which many say is more flexible than Blackboard Learn Original’s Pools.
  • Uses Release Conditions that function similarly to Adaptive Release and include special access settings for individual students to extend time or retake quizzes or tests.
  • Requires learning new terminology and workflow for quiz creation.
  • Importing quizzes from other platforms may require some clean-up.
  • Importing from MS Word requires Respondus 4.0 or a properly formatted CSV file.
ID Takeaways

Brightspace quizzes offer solid functionality for creating various assessment types, though it requires some initial time investment to navigate efficiently and learn the new terminology and workflow as it differs from Blackboard Learn Original. The question bank system allows for building reusable content that can be randomized to reduce academic integrity concerns. Analytics provide insights into student performance patterns. Some have noted that the interface isn’t as intuitive as other LMS platforms, but it is easy to use once learned. Brightspace quizzes integrate seamlessly with the gradebook and accommodate special testing needs.

Key Features
  • Teams can have dedicated areas for sharing, discussion, and assignment submission
  • Course announcements, activity feed widget, internal email, instant messaging
  • ‘Intelligent Agents’ can create personalized messages and feedback
ID Takeaway

Brightspace has collaboration tools for groups similar to the other systems being considered. There are many channels to facilitate student-instructor and student-student communication, which can turn into a negative if students are not prepared for how individual instructors intend to use the various methods. Mobile app users report that some communication tools function differently than on a desktop.

Key Features
  • Highly Customizable Course Design: Faculty can tailor content organization, including nested modules, conditional content release, and customized learning paths
  • Creator Studio: Offers elements to insert, including call outs, accordions, H5P interactions and more
  • Templates: Content templates within pages offers consistent design and interactivity without needing code


ID Takeaway

The Creator Studio takes content development to another level, letting you easily insert interactive elements like click and reveal, timelines flip cards, and H5P interactions without any technical expertise. The templating system is also quite valuable. These pre-designed content templates ensure visual consistency throughout your course while incorporating interactive elements – all without requiring you to write a single line of code.

Key Features
  • Feedback is shown to students inline with grades
  • Plain language setup and notifications on the instructor side
  • Attendance does not integrate into gradebook
  • “QuickEval” tool does not automatically progress from student to student


ID Takeaway

Brightspace gradebook’s biggest feature is its use of plain language, including in the gradebook setup wizard and error notifications. The student gradebook is very simple and shows the actual instructor feedback (written, audio, video, or rubric) on screen, instead of having it behind a clickable icon. Grade columns can be created independent of assignments, but they must be manually linked. Class progress tracking provides information on engagement, access, and progress, while ‘agents’ auto-run emails based on conditions set by the instructor. The “QuickEval” tool does not offer more ease or speed in grading than going directly to the gradebook.

Key Features
  • Video Notes enable faculty to embed video messages (up to 30 minutes) directly into content, announcements, or feedback. Students can also utilize Video Notes within discussions and assignments.
  • Replace Strings: Allows faculty to personalize course content and communication in Brightspace by incorporating the student’s name, for example, into announcements, content, or intelligent agent templates.
  • Disengaging Discussions: Faculty and students have reported an outdated interface requiring endless clicks to navigate threads.


ID Takeaway

While Brightspace offers some impressive interactivity options like H5P integration and HTML-based activities, it will require effort and training to maximize their use effectively. There is certainly more to be desired with the discussion tool- both with capabilities and visual appeal, but the Intelligent Agents will help keep learners engaged and supported with timely feedback. Utilizing the Video Notes within discussions and throughout the course will also bolster instructor presence.



University Adopters

  • Southern Arkansas Tech University
  • National Park College
  • Missouri State University
  • Middle Tennessee State University



Request a Sandox

Faculty who are interested in a Brightspace sandbox may submit a Brightspace Sandbox Request. Upon trying it out, CETAL asks that you share your observations by completing the feedback form within the sandbox.




USC – The Move to BrightSpace

Creating Templates in BrightSpace

Video: The New Discussion Creation Experience