Instructional Technology

Program Contacts

Louis Nadelson, PhD: Department Chair
Telephone: (501) 450-3282 |

Jeff Whittingham, PhD: Graduate Program Coordinator
Telephone: (501) 450-5445 | Email:

[1] Objectives

The Master of Science in Instructional Technology (ITEC) is designed to provide candidates with the knowledge and skills needed to become technology leaders and practitioners within their professional arenas (e.g., education, business, government, non-profit organizations). By its design, the program offers a broad view of the field of instructional technology (e.g., history, theory, technology, management) yet is flexible enough to allow candidates to select an area of concentration reflective of their vocational interests. These areas of concentration, which provide specialized training in three technologically distinctive fields, are (a) distance education, (b) media design and development, and (c) technical support of instructional technologies. Developing skills for leadership in and administration of these technological fields is the overarching goal of the ITEC program.

The ITEC program is designed around an overarching goal of assisting individuals in acquiring the skills for leadership in and administration of instructional technology. More specifically, graduates will possess skills and knowledge needed to effectively

  1. provide professional expertise in the area of instructional technology,
  2. administer vocationally-related technology programs,
  3. integrate principles of various technologies for achieving organizational goals,
  4. incorporate technology design principles to meet diverse organizational/population needs,
  5. collaborate in problem-solving endeavors.

[2] Admission Requirements

[2.1] MS, Instructional Technology

To be accepted into the degree program in Instructional Technology, an individual must

  1. Meet the general admission requirements of the Graduate School.
  2. Provide the department with copies of transcripts of all previous academic work.
  3. Submit a valid standard educator license OR a two-page, double-spaced letter of intent that includes reasons for applying to this program, future goals, and three professional references.

No action will be taken relative to admission until all materials and information are received. Admission materials and information should be received by the department prior to registration.

Submission of an application and its approval constitutes an agreement by the individual to accept any field/practicum assignments in locations where the objectives of practicum experiences can be met. Failure to accept practicum assignments relieves the University of Central Arkansas of responsibility relating to an individual’s practicum experience or program of study.

A maximum of six semester hours of graduate degree credit with grades of “B” or above may be transferred from another UCA graduate program or from another regionally accredited institution. Candidates must specifically request consideration of transfer work completed prior to admission to the program. After admission to the program, approval to transfer work from another institution must be approved prior to enrolling in the courses. No internship hours may be transferred.

[2.2] Graduate Certificate (GC), Instructional Technology

To be accepted into a graduate certificate program in Instructional Technology (see §5, below), an applicant must

  1. Meet the general admission requirements of the Graduate School.
  2. Provide the department with copies of transcripts of all previous academic work.
  3. Submit a valid standard educator license OR a two-page, double-spaced letter of intent that includes reasons for applying to this program, future goals, and three professional references.

[3] Research and Culminating Experience Policies

As a culminating experience in the graduate preparatory program, candidates must satisfactorily complete a program professional paper/project and successfully defend the paper/project (formal presentation). The program professional paper/project must demonstrate the candidate’s ability to meet competencies as outlined by the program goals, the Association of Educational Communication and Technology (AECT). The program professional paper/project must reflect the candidate’s ability to assimilate competencies demonstrating growth and the ability to collect, evaluate, and analyze data and information.

[4] Program Requirements

The Instructional Technology degree is comprised of 36 semester hours of graduate credit. The program consists of an 18 hour core (six 3-hour courses), 12 hours (four 3-hour courses) of advanced study in a selected area of concentration (i.e., distance education, media design and development, or technical support of instructional technologies), and 6 hours (two 3-hour courses) of electives allowing for further individualization of the candidate’s program. ITEC candidates will complete either the Apprenticeship in Instructional Technologies course or the Seminar: Trends/Issues in Instructional Technologies course as the capstone practicum experience. In order to exit the program, the candidate will be required to successfully complete all coursework and create a professional product (e.g., a research study, a professional portfolio, an organizational specific technology plan) illustrating his or her technology skills in leadership and administration and reflecting the candidate’s philosophy.

[4.1] Core Curriculum (18 Hours)

ITEC 6350 Instructional Design
ITEC 6360 Intellectual Property and Copyright
ITEC 6368 Technology Planning and Leadership
LEAD 6321 Research Methods

Choose one of the following leadership courses:

CSPA 6311 Leadership and Supervision
SLMA 6310 Foundations of School Leadership
SLMA 6312 School-Based Organizational Leadership

Choose one of the following (to be completed the last semester):

ITEC 6391 Apprenticeship in Instructional Technologies
ITEC 6392 Seminar: Trends/Issues in Instructional Technologies

[4.2] Areas of Concentration

The candidate selects one of the following areas.

[4.2.1] Distance Education (12 Hours)

Choose four of the following:

ITEC 6305 Foundations of Distance Education
ITEC 6315 Dist Ed Course Design, Delivery, Implementation, and Evaluation
ITEC 6325 Distance Education Technology
ITEC 6370 Leadership in Distance Education
ITEC 6330 Web-based Teaching and Learning

[4.2.2] Media Design and Development (12 Hours)

Choose four of the following:

ITEC 6340 Design and Production of Media Resources I
ITEC 6341 Design and Production of Media Resources II
ITEC 6354 Multimedia
ITEC 6337 Computer Graphics and Animation
ITEC 6351 Instructional Product Development

[4.2.3] Technical Support in Instructional Technologies (12 Hours)

Choose four of the following:

ITEC 6357 Diagnostic Techniques for Computer Maintenance and Repair
ITEC 6318 Microcomputer Networking
ITEC 6365 Networking Technologies
ITEC 6V10 Special Projects
ITEC 6355 Instructional Software Design and Programming

[4.3] Electives (6 Hours)

Choose two of the following:

CSPA 6311 Leadership and Supervision
SLMA 6310 Foundations of School Leadership
SLMA 6312 School-Based Organizational Leadership
ITEC 5345 Fundamentals of Web Design
ITEC 6335 Computer Application Software
ITEC 6375 Global Information Resources
ITEC 6391 Apprenticeship in Instructional Technologies
ITEC 6392 Seminar: Trends/Issues in Instructional Technologies
ASTL 6303 Teacher Leadership (Spring Only)
ASTL 6310 Integrating Media and Technology into Teaching and Learning

Candidates may select electives from any of the Areas of Concentration in the MS in Instructional Technology program: ITEC 6305, ITEC 6315, ITEC 6325, ITEC 6370, ITEC 6330, ITEC 6340, ITEC 6341, ITEC 6354, ITEC 6337, ITEC 6351, ITEC 6357, ITEC 6318, ITEC 6V10, ITEC 6355, and ITEC 6365.

Candidates may select courses from the MS in Library Media and Information Technology program: LIBM 6V91, LIBM 6320, LIBM 6330, LIBM 6332, LIBM 6353, LIBM 6370, LIBM 6371, and LIBM 6380.

[4.4] Retention Requirements

To be recommended for a degree, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  1. Complete all required course work with at least a 3.00 GPA;
  2. Complete satisfactorily all student assessments required as part of the state and AECT accreditation process;
  3. Complete satisfactorily the program required professional paper/project.

[4.5] Continuous Enrollment Requirement

College of Education graduate students are expected to maintain continuous enrollment throughout their program of study until achieving program completion. Specifically, College of Education graduate students are expected to be enrolled in at least two of the three semesters in a given calendar year (Spring, Summer I or II, and Fall). If a student must take a time-out, the student is expected to notify his/her home department. If a student fails to register for more than one semester out of three in a given calendar year, he/she may be ineligible for readmission unless granted by the home department.

[5] Graduate Certificates

[5.1] Instructional Technology – Distance Education

[5.1.1] Core Curriculum (3 hours)

ITEC 6375 Global Information Resources

Courses may be substituted with consent of the program coordinator.

[5.1.2] Distance Education (12 hours)

Choose four of the following:

ITEC 6305 Foundations of Distance Education
ITEC 6315 Distance Education Course Design, Delivery, Implementation, and Evaluation
ITEC 6325 Distance Education Technology
ITEC 6370 Leadership in Distance Education
ITEC 6330 Web-based Teaching and Learning

[5.2] Instructional Technology – Media Design and Development

[5.2.1] Core Curriculum (3 Hours)

ITEC 6335 Computer Application Software

Courses may be substituted with consent of the program coordinator.

[5.2.2] Media Design and Development (12 Hours)

Choose four of the following:

ITEC 6340 Design and Production of Media Resources I
ITEC 6341 Design and Production of Media Resources II
ITEC 6354 Multimedia
ITEC 6337 Computer Graphics and Animation
ITEC 5345 Fundamentals of Web Design

[5.3] Instructional Technology – Technical Support

[5.3.1] Core Curriculum (3 Hours)

ITEC 6375 Global Information Resources

Courses may be substituted with consent of the program coordinator.

[5.3.2] Technical Support (12 Hours)

Choose four of the following:

ITEC 6357 Diagnostic Techniques for Computer Maintenance and Repair
ITEC 6318 Microcomputer Networking
ITEC 6365 Networking Technologies
ITEC 6V10 Special Projects
ITEC 6355 Instructional Software Design and Programming

[6] Graduate Course Links

[6.1] Courses in Instructional Technology (ITEC)

Follow this link for ITEC course descriptions: course link.

[6.2] Courses in Other Areas (ASTL, CSPA, LEAD, LIBM, SLMA)

Follow this link for ASTL course descriptions: course link.

Follow this link for CSPA course descriptions: course link.

Follow this link for LEAD course descriptions: course link.

Follow this link for LIBM course descriptions: course link.

Follow this link for SLMA course descriptions: course link.