Discover: Sally Roden
Sometimes in our lives, through various encounters
and experiences, we uncover talents from within that
we never knew existed. The more we learn about
ourselves – what drives us, what makes us tick – the
more we see what we are capable of doing, producing
, and being. For retired UCA faculty member Sally
Roden, her inward journeys led her down the path of
creating visual art. While producing works of art for
only a few short years, Sally has taken off with her
new talent and become a budding new artist.
Sally is the first in our series titled Discover. Not only
do we want you to discover Sally Roden as a local
artist, but we also hope that her renderings will inspire
you to delve into your inner self to see what’s
simmering in your soul – just waiting to boil over. Take
the time to venture within and discover your full array
of talent and potential.