Teaching Technology Advisory Committee


To serve as an advisory group to the provost and the vice president of information technology regarding instructional technologies and associated emerging pedagogies. The committee will consider and make recommendations regarding adoption of new instructional technology tools and applications, as well as review current instructional technology to assess needs.


This committee will consist of the assistant provost of teaching and academic leadership, who will serve as permanent co-chair along with the manager of instructional technology. Membership also includes an information technology security specialist, the director of OARS or designee, the dean of the graduate school or designee from the graduate school, one academic dean as designated by the provost, one faculty member representing each of the academic colleges, and the director of the library or designee. The faculty representatives shall be recommended by the committee co-chairs and appointed by the Faculty Senate for staggered three-year terms.

Teaching Technology Advisory Committee Members

Amy HawkinsPermanentCo-Chair, CETAL
Tonya McKinneyPermanentCo-Chair, IT
Doris PiercePermanentOARS
Vicki Groves-Scott2025Provost/Dean Appt.
Michael Rosenow2026CAHSS
Mike Casey2027COB
Jason Trumble2025COE
Han Soo Kim2026CHBS
Loi Booher2027CSE
Rae Miller2025Graduate School
Amber Wilson2026Library
Jeremy Bullock, Kevin Carmical, or Matthew Martenson an as-needed basisIT Security


At least one time each Fall and Spring Semester.

Reports to

Provost and Vice President of IT