Sabbatical Leave Review Committee


The committee will evaluate applications for faculty sabbatical leaves and make recommendations to the provost. Both the committee recommendation and the provost’s recommendation are forwarded along with the applicant’s file to the president.


The graduate dean as designated by the provost, two tenured faculty members elected by each of the academic colleges and one tenured faculty member from the Honors College to serve three-year rotating terms. Deans and departmental chairs are ineligible to serve, and no more than one member of a department may serve at a time. Members may not serve more than two successive terms (excluding the Chair). The graduate dean serves as chair.


Member Term Title/Role
Michael Mills Permanent Chair, Interim Graduate Dean
Joseph Howard 2024 CAHSS
Chris Fritzges 2024  CAHSS
Kimberly Sartain  2025 CHBS
Kerry Jordan 2024  CHBS
Patricia Kohler-Evans 2025 COE
Rhonda McClellan 2024  COE
Kaye McKinzie 2026  COB
Anthony McMullen  2024  COB
Ben Rowley 2024 CSE
Greg Naumiec  2024  CSE
 Donna Bowman  2024 Honors College


Early October, after the October 1 deadline for fall and spring sabbatical leave applications submitted in the fall semester of the academic year prior to the academic year of the requested sabbatical.

Reports to


Page last updated: September 20, 2022