Online Learning Advisory Committee (ARCHIVED)


To serve as an advisory group to the provost regarding issues concerning online learning including academics, student enrollment, course technology, trends in online learning, finance, and strategic planning. At the beginning of each academic semester, the director of online learning will present to the committee a report detailing student enrollment, finances, and the status of new/developing online programs.

The committee will present to the provost a report detailing all meeting notes and recommendations.


This committee will consist of the director of online learning who will serve as chair, the vice-president for information systems and technology or designee, the associate provost as designated by the provost, the vice-president for finance and administration or designee, the dean of the graduate school or designee, the director of the academic advising center or designee, the director of admissions and enrollment services or designee, one academic dean as designated by the Council of Deans who will serve a two-year term, one faculty member representing each of the academic colleges and one faculty member who is unaffiliated with the academic colleges and the director of the library or designee in an ex-officio non-voting capacity.  The faculty representatives shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate for staggered three-year terms.


Member Term Title Representing
Michael Judge Permanent Director of Online Learning, Chair
Tonya McKinney Permanent Administrator for IST IST
Amy Hawkins Permanent Associate Provost or designee CTE
 Diane Newton Permanent Vice President for Finance and Administration
Angela Barlow Permanent Interim Dean of the Graduate School
Leigh Ann DenHartog Permanent Director, Academic Advising Center
Courtney Bryant Permanent Director of Admissions and Enrollment Services
2 year term Academic Dean  Council of Deans
 Carla Barber 2022  Faculty appointed by Faculty Senate  COB
Jessica Herring 2022  Faculty appointed by Faculty Senate  COE
 Jeff Beyerl 2022  Faculty appointed by Faculty Senate  CNSM
Marisan Colon Corsino 2022  Faculty appointed by Faculty Senate  CFAC
Duncan McKinnon 2022  Faculty appointed by Faculty Senate  CLA
 Darshon Anderson 2022  Faculty appointed by Faculty Senate  CHBS
Amber Wilson 2022  Faculty appointed by Faculty Senate  unaffiliated
 Dean Covington  Permanent Library Director , ex-officio, non-voting


monthly and on call

Reports to


Minutes Online Learning Advisory Committee

Updated on: October 23, 2019