Graduate Council


  1. To review and recommend to the Council of Deans new graduate curricula and programs proposed by the various departments and colleges
  2. To review existing graduate offerings and make appropriate recommendations to the Council of Deans
  3. To initiate and recommend policies relevant to graduate degree requirements, grading and credit policies, academic standards, and related matters
  4. To review and recommend faculty for graduate status
  5. To act as an academic appeal body for graduate students

Annual Report: The Faculty Senate requests that this council provide a written report to the Faculty Senate by October 1 of each year.


  1. Department chairs are appointed by the Faculty Senate, one from each of the academic colleges. No other department chair may serve on the council.
  2. Graduate faculty members with the rank of assistant professor or above are appointed by the Faculty Senate, one from each academic college.
  3. Each academic college, according to the procedure for appointing college committees, appoints one faculty member.
  4. One graduate student is appointed by the senate, one graduate student is appointed by the Graduate Council, and one graduate student is elected by the Student Government Association.

The associate provost and dean of the graduate school serves as chair of the Graduate Council. The council elects its secretary. The registrar and the director of the library serve as ex officio, non-voting members. Members serve four-year terms on a rotating basis for each of the first three categories. Students serve one-year terms.


Member Term Title
Michael Mills Permanent  Interim Dean of the Graduate School, Chair
Brent Hill 2024 Faculty Senate Appointment, Chair, CSE
Jeff Hill 2024 Faculty Senate Appointment, Chair, COB
Kevin Garrison 2025 Faculty Senate Appointment, Chair, CHBS
Louis Nadelson 2025 Faculty Senate Appointment, Chair, COE
Ty Hawkins 2026 Faculty Senate Appointment, Chair, CAHSS
Tamara Haselkorn 2025 Faculty Senate Appointment, Graduate Faculty, CSE
Mark McMurtrey 2026 Faculty Senate Appointment, Graduate Faculty, COB
Heather Martens 2024 Faculty Senate Appointment, Graduate Faculty, CHBS
Alana Reid 2025 Faculty Senate Appointment, Graduate Faculty, CAHSS
Amy Thompson 2026 Faculty Senate Appointment, Graduate Faculty, COE
Matt Connolly 2024 College Appointment, CSE
Karen Oxner 2025 College Appointment, COB
Heather Hudson 2025 College Appointment, CHBS
John Parrack 2024 College Appointment, CAHSS
 Odunola Oyeniyi 2026 College Appointment, COE
VACANT Faculty Senate, Graduate Student Appt.
VACANT Graduate Council, Graduate Student Appt.
 VACANT SGA, Graduate Student Appt.
Rodney Lippard Permanent Director of Library, ex-officio and non-voting
Vicky Summers  Permanent Registrar, ex-officio and non-voting



X-period the third Thursday, each month. On call other times as needed.

Reports to


Graduate Council Meeting Minutes

Page last updated:  June 9, 2022