Faculty Grievance Panel


To hear and review all grievances from faculty that are grievable matters under this handbook that do not fall under the jurisdiction of another committee.

The panel shall have jurisdiction, on a limited basis as set forth herein, concerning the non-reappointment of tenure-track faculty or the non-reappointment of non-tenure-track faculty whose appointment carries an expectation of renewal.

Matters involving academic freedom, promotion, tenure, termination of tenured faculty, and terminations or non-reappointments of faculty with more than seven years of continuous service shall not come within the jurisdiction of this panel.

Except in cases of alleged violations of academic freedom, the non-reappointment of non-tenure-track faculty whose appointment carries no expectation of renewal is not a grievable matter under any provision of this handbook.


  1. Except as set forth in (b) of this section 2, the operating procedures of the Faculty Grievance Panel shall be the same as those procedures set forth in Section XI of Chapter Three of this Faculty Handbook.
  2. In the event of the panel consideration of the non-reappointment of a (i) tenure-track faculty member or (ii) non-tenure-track faculty member whose appointment carried the expectation of renewal, the panel shall convene to review the procedural aspects of the non-reappointment. If the faculty member alleges, in writing, that adequate consideration was not given in the non-reappointment decision, the panel shall decide whether or not to recommend reconsideration. The panel decision is advisory only, and the panel shall not substitute its judgment for that of the recommending person or persons.


The panel pool will consist of two faculty members elected from each academic college with at least one holding the rank of Assistant Professor or above and one faculty member who is from either the Honors College or Torreyson Library, elected for staggered two-year terms. Such persons shall not hold the position of dean, assistant dean, department chair, or comparable administrative position. Committees formed from the panel pool shall consist of five (5) persons, with no more than two non-tenured, selected at random by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee under the supervision of the provost.

  1. Faculty shall be selected by each academic college at the beginning of the fall term.  Non-tenured faculty serving in the panel pool shall have at least 7 years full-time continuous service.
  2. Persons with a clear conflict of interest or from the department of either the grievant or the person against whom the grievance is filed will be ineligible to serve on the committee. An additional consideration for exclusion may be a panel member’s contemporaneous service on a Faculty Grievance Committee.
  3. The committee hearing the grievance shall elect its own chair who retains a vote.

In the case of an appeal alleging race, age, gender, national origin, or disability discrimination, the chair of the Diversity Advisory Committee, or their designee, will sit on the council as a non-voting ex officio member.


Member Term Appointment
John Toth 2025  CAHSS
Carey Clark 2024 CAHSS
 Thomas Lowder 2025  CHBS
January Schultz 2024  CHBS
Ling He 2025  COB
Kaye McKinzie  2024 COB
Nykela Jackson 2025 COE
Valerie Couture 2024  COE
Steven Karafit 2025  CSE
Lori Isom 2024 CSE
 Amber Wilson 2025 UNAF



on call

Reports to:


If constituted, send report to: Faculty Senate President

Page last updated: June 8, 2022