Significant Progress Made to Address HLC Concerns

Dr. Neil Hattlestad updated the UCA community on the university’s response to the High Learning Commission Team report during the Campus Talk held March 14.

Hattlestad, co-chair of the HLC Monitoring Report Steering Committee , said significant progress has been made to address concerns including developing actions steps for initiatives outlined in the university’s strategic plan.

Click here to view Hattlestad’s presentation.  

The monitoring report must address the areas of: meeting the needs of diverse students and employees; incorporating shared governance, transparent communication, and an organizational and administrative structure with well-defined roles and responsibilities; assessment of student learning aligned with the mission of the university; and evaluating and measuring institutional effectiveness in non-instructional programs, institutional outreach, and student support for all instructional delivery modes, the report states.

A draft of the monitoring report  is currently available for comment under the myUCA, Resources website. HLC Report Draft for Campus Review. A draft of UCA’s HLC Monitoring Report – and most of its supporting appendices – will be available from this link until March 31. The full HLC visiting team’s report is also available under the myUCA, Resource website.

A 10-member evaluation team conducted a site visit in March 2010. Its goal was to verify the university’s self-study findings, make judgments about UCA’s compliance with good practice, federal requirements, and HLC policies; recommend appropriate follow-up; and provide consultation to the university. The report covers the period between 2000-2009.

The team identified issues related to governance, assessment of student learning, diversity and internationalization, enrollment management, processes and employee development in its report. The team also noted  the university had not made progress since the 2000 accreditation visit to implement a comprehensive, long-range plan.

The university will submit its monitoring report to the Higher Learning Commission on May 1.  A HLC team will conduct a focus visit on the long-range planning implementation in the spring of 2014.

Also during Campus Talk:

*UCA President Tom Courtway informed the group the health premium increase for  July to December is $99,628 more than what the university is currently paying. The university will be able to absorb the increase, Courtway said.  Officials will conduct a competitive RFP to be placed out to bid during the summer for a Jan. 1 effective date.  The bids will be reviewed by the Fringe Benefits Committee.

* Brent Passmore,  director of web development, unveiled a proposed redesign of the UCA home page. The redesign features high traffic areas of the website and makes the website more accessible. Passmore said the redesign should go live in June.

* SGA President Austin Hall reported the lowest bid for the proposed amphitheater was $192,000 more than the approved budget. Hall said possible options are a redesign of the amphitheater, postponing the project indefinitely or using the Board of Trustees – University Improvement Fund to help fund the project. A request for funding will be voted on by the board at its April 2 meeting.