Banner Team Membership

Purposes: The Banner Team exists to identify, prioritize, coordinate, support, and communicate about Banner-related developments, including but not limited to additional application build-out, modifications, upgrades, and testing.

The Banner Team comprises at least one representative for each of the major Banner modules and selected support functions.

Ables, WhitStudent (Registrar)
Bryant, CourtneyAdmissions
Hall, AmberInstitutional Research/Data Standards
Hall, RachelHuman Resources
Hall, SusanIT (programming)
Miller, RaeStudent (Graduate School)
Murphy, ShakarieFinance (Controller)
Ott, SandraStudent AR
Smith, MikeFinance (technical support specialist)
Stevens, LeeIT (database administrator)
Stubbs, KimberlyFinancial Aid
Summers, VickyStudent (Registrar)/Team Chair

Page updated: May 15, 2023