Chair and Professor: Dr. Mauldin, 450-5936
Professors: Dr. Manion, Dr. Desrochers, Dr. Taylor
Associate Professors: Dr. Carter, Dr. Isom, Dr. Kelley, Dr. Perry, Dr. Steelman, Dr. Tarkka
Assistant Professors: Dr. Dooley, Dr. Marquis, Dr. Weaver, Dr. Yang
Lecturer I: Dr. Yarberry
[1] Purposes
The Department of Chemistry curriculum provides a broad range of instruction in chemistry. It includes a general education course and lower-division courses in general chemistry and organic chemistry for students with a wide variety of career goals such as a major in one of the natural sciences, pre-healing arts (nursing, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine), engineering, or secondary school teaching.
Students majoring in chemistry receive instruction in the fundamental areas of chemistry subsequently supplemented by more advanced courses in appropriate areas. Laboratory instruction is emphasized at all levels, and students are encouraged to participate in collaborative laboratory research with faculty members. Students completing a chemistry major program of study are prepared for careers as professional chemists as well as for graduate study in chemistry or other postgraduate professional schools.
The chemistry department curriculum is approved by the Committee on Professional Training of the American Chemical Society.
[2] The Honors Program in Chemistry
Junior or senior students with an overall GPA of 3.25, a chemistry GPA of 3.4 or better, and the consent of the department chair may be allowed to participate in a program which, when successfully completed, will allow them to graduate with honors in chemistry. This program consists of not less than two semesters of laboratory research on a chemistry problem and the writing of an acceptable report on the research completed.
[3] Baccalaureate Degree: Bachelor of Science
The degree of Bachelor of Science, with a major described below, requires successful completion of 120 hours, including (1) the general education component, (2) degree requirements, and (3) major and minor requirements in chemistry listed below.
[3.1] Major in Chemistry (ACS-certified)
Standard Track (48 hours)
Minimum requirements: CHEM 1450, 1451, 2401, 3150, 3411, 3211, 3520, 4112, 4320, 4380, 4450, 4451, 4460, plus a minimum of two credit hours of research and one of the following: CHEM 3360, 4335, 4351, 4385; CHEM 4301 is excluded from the ACS-certified major; MATH 1496 (formerly 1591), 1497 (formerly 1592), 2471 (formerly 2371), and 3331; PHYS 1441 and 1442.
No minor required
Biochemistry Track (44 hours)
Minimum requirements: CHEM 1450, 1451, 2401, 3411, 3211, 3520, 4121, 4112, 4320, 4335, 4450, 4460, either CHEM 3360 or 4380, plus a minimum of two credit hours of research; CHEM 4301 is excluded from the ACS-certified major; MATH 1496 (formerly 1591), 1497 (formerly 1592), and 2471 (formerly 2371); PHYS 1441 and 1442; BIOL 1440, 1441, 2490, and 3420.
No minor required
[3.2] Major in Chemistry (38 hours)
Minimum requirements: CHEM 1450, 1451, 2401, 3411, 3211, 4320, 3360, 3520, 4112, 4450, 4460 (CHEM 4301 is excluded); MATH 1496 (formerly 1591), 1497 (formerly 1592), and 2471 (formerly 2371); PHYS 1441 and 1442 (or PHYS 1410 and 1420 if approved in advance by the chair of the Department of Chemistry). Two credit hours of chemical research is recommended.
Minor required
[3.3] Minor in Chemistry (24 hours)
CHEM 1450, 1451, 2401, and chemistry electives at the 3000-level or above (CHEM 4301 excluded) for a total of at least 24 hours.
[3.4] Major in Environmental Science
See [2.3] Chemistry Track
[3.5] Major in General Science
See the General Science page (Interdisciplinary Programs).
[3.6] Minor in Physical Science
See Department of Physics and Astronomy.
[4] Teacher Licensure
Students interested in teaching should pursue one of two plans of study: (a) complete a bachelors degree with a major in Life/Earth Science or Physical/Earth Science leading to teacher licensure or (b) complete a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree after completion of a BS in Chemistry. Contact UCA’s Department of Teaching and Learning for more information.
[5] Courses in Chemistry (CHEM)
Follow this link for CHEM course descriptions: course link.