Submitted by: Haydyn Hudnall, on 01/05/2025
Spend your summer in Vienna, Austria with Dr. Voss and Dr. Denise Demers! Students will have the wonderful opportunity to stay with an Austrian family while in Vienna. This will be their home away from home and an opportunity to get to know the people of Vienna first hand. While in Vienna, we will work closely with the Austro-American Institute of Education (AAIE) that has been hosting students from many universities for over 100 years as they study abroad in Vienna. They will provide a classroom and a “school” that we can call our own for the duration of our time in Vienna. Our trip will include field trip type classes that deal with culture and diversity in both the health education/addiction studies and international supply chain industry.
Come experience the world first hand as you see how industry and non-profit organizations work together for the betterment of everyone — ultimately how the health of a country is influenced by its infrastructure, transportation industry, and the interaction of the motor carrier industry with international ports. We will visit the United Nations, museums, Mauthausen (Concentration Camp), Salzburg and the Sound of Music in the Austrian Alps, and a mountain retreat where we can begin to understand the truth about leisure and slowing down in life. Throughout our time in Austria, we will be able to compare and contrast differences in the US and Europe. These and MANY more experiences will broaden your life. You will come home a different person!
Tentative Travel Dates: June 2-20, 2025
Application and Deposit Deadline: January 15, 2025
Students can earn 3-6 credit hours on the program. Email for more information!