Faculty Presentation Series 2014

Leah Horton

Leah Horton

Jayme Millsap Stone

Jayme Millsap Stone

Torreyson Library hosts “Kanembwe Village, Rwanda: Beyond Traditional Dance” by Leah Horton, lecturer I, and Dr. Jayme Stone, director of Learning Communities, on Wednesday, February 26 at 2 p.m. in Room 215.

Horton and Stone founded the Science and Society in Rwanda study abroad program in 2012 in collaboration with the Rwandan Presidential Scholars studying at UCA. The purpose of the program is to explore the intersection of science with various aspects of society, including the colonial creation of race, overpopulation, land use pressures, service distributions and ecotourism. A major component of this study abroad program is service-learning. All students teach hands-on interdisciplinary science lessons in Rwandan primary schools and participate in the Kanembwe Village projects.

Through surveys conducted in 2013, Horton and Stone will explore some realities associated with life in Kanembwe and discuss ways in which these data will inform future projects within the village.

This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.