Writings published

Dr. Clayton CrockettDr. Clayton Crockett, associate professor of Religious Studies in the Department of Philosophy and Religion, had an article published in the January 2014 issue of The Montreal Review, an online intellectual journal featuring discussion of Art, Books, and Culture. The article is entitled “The Wake of Liberalism: What is Political Theology and Why Does it Matter?,” and is available at: http://www.themontrealreview.com/2009/What-is-Political-Theology-and-Why-Does-it-Matter.php


John VandersliceJohn Vanderslice, associate professor of writing, published an excerpt from his novella “Reflexology” in the journal Double Dealer, an arm of the Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society in New Orleans. He also published short fiction in the Israeli journal Ilanot Review–for their special “Sacred Words” issue–and in the anthology Redacted Story, just out from publisher KY Story. Meanwhile, his short story “Something for Dinner” was accepted by the journal Cherry Tree for their inaugural issue.