Beacon Bite Days in the College of Education

IMAG0214This fall, the College of Education Lighthouse Beacons celebrated Beacon Bite Days on December 3 and 4. Volunteer faculty and staff brought cookies, aka Beacon Bites, and gave them to students as they passed between classes. Students also were offered copies of the fall final examination schedule and bookmarks with information about the Lighthouse Beacons. Lighthouse Beacons were available to talk with students about their progress at UCA, answer questions about UCA and the College of Education, advise students with their programs of study, and ask students if they have registered for the upcoming semester. Initiated in 2010, the Lighthouse Beacons are College of Education faculty and staff who volunteer to (1) collaborate with students support serves at UCA and in Arkansas communities; (2) enhance academic understanding, course completion, and program graduation rates of all students; (3) expand the number and professional of educations produced by UCA so the educator population is more inclusive and reflective of all people; and (4) build stronger bridges with educators in all capacities across Arkansas. Currently, two events highlight the Lighthouse Beacon outreach: Beacon Bite Days scheduled every semester the week before finals and the Diversity Teacher Candidate Reception held every spring as an opportunity for teacher candidates to meet with faculty to hear about possible programs and available services. Brilliant teachers light, ignite, and excite learning in others; shine on. For more information about the College of Education Lighthouse Beacons, email