Student chemistry chapter ‘Outstanding’

The American Chemical Society (ACS) student chapter has been selected to receive an Outstanding award for activities conducted during the 2012-2103 academic year. The award will be presented at the 247th ACS National Meeting in Dallas, Texas in March 2014.

Professors Faith Yarberry and Karen Steelman are faculty advisors for the chapter. “Professor Yarberry and Professor Steelman’s efforts certainly represent the best in undergraduate science education and mentoring around the country. We extend our warmest congratulations to the students and Professors Yarberry and Steelman for setting such a fine example for other chapters and being exemplary chemistry ambassadors!” said Marinda Wu, president of the ACS in a letter to the university.

A full list of award-winning chapters will be published in Chemical & Engineering News and in the November/December issue of inChemistry, the student magazine.