Passmore wins national award

bpmore-2013-vert-sunglasses-one[1]Brent Passmore, director of web development, was recently recognized by CASE for his work on the District IV Conference on communications and marketing. This is a national award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and “acknowledges superior accomplishments that have lasting impact, demonstrate the highest level of professionalism and deliver exceptional results.” According to its website, “The Circle of Excellence celebrates programs that measure up to high standards, contribute to a growing body of knowledge and add substance and insight to the profession and its practitioners.”

Passmore is also a six time CASE Stellar Speaker award winner and Faculty Star. CASE district faculty stars are conference speakers who earn average combined scores of 4.5 and above (on a five-point scale) on their session evaluations at CASE district conferences. Participants rate speakers on criteria that include knowledge of subject matter, suitability of content, presentation skills and quality of handouts.