Show of Hands exhibit

The first annual “Show of Hands” exhibit will be Saturday, October 26, 2013, from 1-3pm at the Doyne Health Science Center on the 3rd Floor.

The exhibit entitled “Show of Hands” marks the first semester of occupational therapy school for UCA occupational therapy students. Like the experience of hand casting, the journey toward becoming an occupational therapist is marked by periods of intense activity, excitement, frustration, pleasure, and contemplation.

Typical for endeavors associated with the field of occupational therapy, the process and outcome of hand casting reflects a complex blend of science and artistry. There is no denying the psychosocial aspect of creating an image of oneself. The occupational therapy students have taken the complex process of alginate and hydrostone casting to another level through their display of expressive hand gestures and the inclusion of objects that represent who they were, are now, and someday hope to be.