Parrent Updates Campus on Enrollment Management Initiatives

Dr. Robert Parrent, vice president for enrollment management, provided an update on initiatives underway to improve enrollment during the last Campus Talk of the semester.

The Division of Enrollment Management has been working with SEM Works, a consulting firm hired to conduct a comprehensive review. The scope of work included enrollment management audit, enrollment goal analysis and scholarship leveraging.

Parrent said the decision to undertake the project came late in the recruitment cycle for fall 2012.

“Generally, preparation and development of the initiative should occur prior to August, which supports an aggressive and robust recruitment of high school juniors as well as seniors,” he said. “The good news is that we are actively working to recruit high school juniors as well as converting graduating high school seniors. This is being pursued via the 100,000 names from sources like ACT and NRCCUA as well as names obtained from high school and community college visits, Bear Facts Days, daily campus tours, letters and calls of inquiry, referrals, and state-wide open houses.”

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Dr. Parrent anticipates fall 2013 is when the university will see the impact of the Division’s efforts.