University Safety Committee Seeks Input from Campus

The University Safety Committee is an advisory group charged with identifying and helping address safety conditions on the UCA campus. The committee will review any existing or potential hazards that could affect students, faculty, and staff and foster an environment free from unreasonable risk.

The committee members are volunteers from the areas of University Police, Student Health, Office of the President, Division of University and Government Relations, Environmental Health & Safety, Physical Plant, Human Resources, and the College of Natural Science and Mathematics as well as appointed representatives from the Student Government Association, Faculty Senate, and the Staff Senate.

Please know the University Safety Committee strives to be a campus-community driven committee and exists to hear and review your concerns in regard to environmental health and safety. With this being said, we need your input! If you have concerns or input in regard to environmental health and safety you can e-mail the committee at or contact one of the committee members directly. For a list of committee member please visit the University Safety Committee website at

UCA is a safe campus and it takes all of us working together to keep it that way!  – Larry K. James, Chair, University Safety Committee and UCA Chief of Police.