UCA Staff News

Kelly Lyon

Tim Atkinson

Kelly Lyon, director of UCA’s Center for Community and Economic Development, and Tim Atkinson, assistant provost and director of sponsored programs,  participated in the 2012 Proposal Development Workshop sponsored by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities’ Grants Resource Center.  The event was held Feb. 23-25 in Washington D.C.

Lyon and Atkinson described the steps they have taken to move from theory to proven success in building a network of internal and external partners invested in the institution and the region.

Lyon discussed the ways UCA used a collaborative assessment rubric to identify the roles of existing and potential collaborators, build a strong pipeline of partners, and present a compelling picture of a resource network that has garnered the support of local stakeholders, regional foundations, and federal sponsors.

Lyon and Atkinson also took part in a web conference on “A Successful Failure: Turning a Rejected Grant Application into an Asset,” a case study on the challenges and benefits of developing a multi-sector partnership in pursuit of federal community development funding.

Reising’s work featured in 501 Magazine

Dr. Robert Reising, a supervisor in the Academic Success Center, was featured in the February 2012 issue of 501 LIFE. The magazine article was about the medical biography of Dr. “Moonlight” Graham that Reising is co-authoring with Dr. Paul Mueller, head of Internal Medicine at the Mayo Clinic.