College of Fine Arts and Communication News

Garry Powell

Garry Craig Powell, an assistant professor in the Department of Writing, has had his novel-in-stories Stoning the Devil accepted for publication by Skylight Press, a British publishing house. The book will be published on both sides of the Atlantic this autumn. In addition, Powell’s story, “The Jinni Crouching Behind Her”, published in the 2011 edition of REAL (Regarding Arts and Letters) has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.



Stephanie Vanderslice

Dr. Stephanie Vanderslice, an associate professor in the Department of Writing, and several colleagues had two essays published in the Huffington Post. Here’s the link to “Creative Writing Can Be Taught: Creative Writing Professors Answer More Important Questions” and  “What is Creative Writing.”




Robin Becker

Robin Becker, an instructor in the Department of Writing, has had her short story “The Ultimate” accepted for publication by Necessary Fiction. You can view it online here. She also recently received a Sally A. Williams Artist Fund grant from the Arkansas Arts Council to attend the Association of Writing Programs Conference in Chicago.




Tim Thornes

Tim Thornes, assistant professor of Linguistics, delivered a guest lecture at the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville as part of the annual Native American Symposium under the theme of “Sustainability and Native American Identity.”  He also presented the paper “Semantic and pragmatic uses of the Northern Paiute applicative” at the annual Linguistic Society of America conference in Portland, Oregon. His chapter entitled “Functional underpinnings of diachrony in relative clause formation: the nominalization-relativization connection in Northern Paiute” is to appear next month in a volume entitled “A Typological Overview of Relative Clauses in Languages of the Americas,” edited by Bernard Comrie and Zarina Estrada-Fernandez and published by John Benjamins (Amsterdam-New York).