UCA Police Department News

Sgt. Jake Moss recently completed the School of Law Enforcement Supervision Program.  SLES is designed by Arkansas law enforcement leaders to set a standard that focuses on leadership, education and advancement in the law enforcement profession.

Officer are required to complete a four-week supervisory development course. Course topics included research strategies; organizational and nonverbal communication; challenging organizational culture; stress management; social intelligence; managing media relations; ethics and leadership; civil liability; and information systems and applications. Officers are required to successfully complete a written exam at the conclusion of each week of instruction. Each exam covers material drawn from the lectures, course texts, and outside reading assignments. In addition, this course requires officers to make oral presentations and prepare a research paper on a topic relevant to law enforcement supervision.

Moss has been with UCA Police Department for nearly 7 years. He is B shift supervisor and project coordinator for DWI and seat belt enforcement task force project.

Corporal Mike Shaw Receives Promotion

UCA Police Chief Larry James is pleased to announce the appointment of Mike Shaw to the rank of Corporal. He has served the department for seven years and is a certified Field Training Officer. Cpl. Shaw will be responsible for assisting with supervision of day shift patrol operations. The command staff of the department has come to rely heavily on Cpl. Shaw’s leadership and shift knowledge and is pleased to have this opportunity to recognize his achievement with this promotion.