College of Fine Arts and Communication News

Stephanie Vanderslice

Associate Professor of Writing Stephanie Vanderslice’s book, Rethinking Creative Writing In Higher Education: Programs and Practices That Work, debuted in hard copy, the first book in the Creative Writing Studies Series, with Professional and Higher Publishers in the UK. The book was first published as an E-edition this past May and also premiered in a special conference edition at the annual London conference of the National Association of Writer’s in Education in early November. Vanderslice also wrote the forward for Dispatches from the Classroom: Graduate Students on Creative Writing Pedagogy, edited by Chris Drew, David Yost and Joe Rein and recently published by Continuum.




Mark Spitzer

Mark Spitzer, associate professor of writing, recently had his article “The NewWeird: Theory of the Double Effect” accepted by the Chronicle Review, which is published by the Chronicle of HigherEducation. This article looks at creative writing pedagogy and trends in creative nonfiction. Also, Spitzer’s essay “Polemic: The History of Pirated English-Language Translations of Jean Genet’s Poetry (with Chronology)” was acceptedby the literary journal House Organ. Additionally, Spitzer’s latest memoir, Sickin the Head, was just published by S A M Publishing. This book is the sequel to Writer in Residence, published in 2010 by the University of New Orleans Press.