PrivacyStar Announces Partnership with EPIC Residential College

PrivacyStar,maker of the smartphone application that enables users to manage their mobile device with industry leading privacy features, today announced its participation in the Entrepreneurship, Public Scholarship, Innovation, & Community Engagement (EPIC) Residential College program at University of Central Arkansas(UCA).

PrivacyStar will serve as a catalyst to a growing entrepreneurial climate at UCA and has already been instrumental in providing input into the guiding principles, feasibility and real world goals of this residential student community.

The EPIC program ( at UCA fundamentally changes and enriches the student living and learning experience at the University. It is designed to be the most unique and transformative residential learning community in the entire nation for undergraduates. Students from various disciplines including science and technology, business and the fine arts will collaboratively live, work and tackle real-world challenges that will have both commercial and community impact.

“Our unique program provides students will the tools to engage entities outside of the University like they never have before,” said Dr. Steven Runge, Dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at UCA. “Students who participate in the EPIC program will partake in learning and problem solving while tackling real world challenges that exist in the community.”

PrivacyStar strongly supports the EPIC program and believes it will evolve into a thriving incubator of new businesses while also producing graduates who will become effective business and community leaders. The company will participate in the program serving as a full cycle use case and coordinate directly with the faculty to provide both project and instructional opportunities. To further the incubation of new businesses and non-profit entities from the program, PrivacyStar will also be working as a liaison with outside communities such as state government agencies and investment firms.

EPIC’s emphasis on radical collaboration and cutting-edge programming outside the classroom offers students an experience and opportunity not found at other schools. UCA is positioning itself to be the first-choice for students interested in developing skills in creativity, innovation and public engagement. Through collaborative thinking and innovative projects, its students will discover how to become the big thinkers and leaders of today and tomorrow.

“We have been working closely with UCA sharing our thoughts on the required expertise and knowledge necessary for new hires coming straight out of college,” said Josh Smith, COO of PrivacyStar. “We are very excited that the EPIC program has been launched. EPIC will offer students the collaborative and entrepreneurial skills required to succeed in the work place and we look forward to participating and driving further innovations in this program.”