Campus Receives Updates on Budget Planning, New Initiatives

Representatives from the faculty, staff,  student body, and administration provided the UCA community updates on various topics from Enrollment Management projects to the upcoming budget process during Campus Talk held Nov. 3 in the Student Center Ballroom.

The Division of Enrollment Management recently completed “Calling New Cubs,” a phone campaign targeting UCA’s freshmen. Currently enrolled students known as “Cub Connect” along with other volunteers contacted new students to see how their experience has been thus far and to ensure that they are working with their advisors to prepare for registration for the spring semester.

More than 1,500 students were contacted and over 93 percent noted that their transition from high school to college was smooth, said Vice President of Enrollment Management Robert Parrent. About 94.6 percent said they plan to return in the spring and about 92 percent indicated they plan to complete their degree at UCA.

Parrent also announced two new programs — “January Jump Start” and “UCA Decision Day”.  The goal of “January Jump Start”  is to provide a warm and welcoming experience for new and returning students, he said.  

“UCA Decision Day” allows students to be admitted and notified of their scholarship the day of the visit to the university. These are students who are on campus as part of a visit organized by their high schools.  Students must have their transcript, ACT or SAT scores, and application, Parrent said.

Staff Senate President Dianna Winters reported that the Staff Senate is working with the Faculty Senate to address the Higher Learning Commission report. The senate has established a standing committee that will develop a five-year budget plan that will be in line with the university’s strategic plan. The committee will also make recommendations to address salary issues.  

A survey will be sent to staff to determine what priorities should be addressed first, Winters said. Recommendations and the five-year plan will be presented at at the Budget Advisory Committee meeting on Jan. 12.

SGA Vice President Spencer Sims reported the Student Fee Advisory Committee would hold hearings on student fees the week of Nov. 7—11. The committee was established in the Student Government Association’s bylaws, but had never met. The committee requested information from student fee administrators regarding  fees. Administrators were then asked to appear before the commitee to answer questions.  

All the information from the SGA fee hearings will be listed on the SGA website at

The Faculty Senate is focusing on a “strong and appropriate response” to the Higher Learning Commission, said Faculty Senate President Janet Wilson during her report. One of the things the senate is charged with is examining the issues of shared governance and communications.  The senate will send out a survey on shared governance issues and communication lines to faculty administrators.

“It is important that everyone participate in this survey so we can get a clear understanding about what is working well and what is not working so well and what are some things we can do to make sure our voice is heard,”  Wilson said.

Budget Advisory Committee is taking a different approach to plan for future needs, of the university, Wilson said. The committee has requested prioritized lists from department heads. The committee will look at the costs over the next five years and whether the items listed are critical for accreditation issues or critical in regards to moving the university forward.

“All these prioritized items have to be tied to the strategic plan,” she said. “It is really important that we demonstrate that these are not random requests.”

One question was submitted to Interim President Tom Courtway. The person asked why the university does not shut down at 2 p.m. the day before holiday breaks. Courtway explained that state law does not give university presidents or chancellors  the authority to close campus early.

The next “Campus Talk” is scheduled for Dec. 7 at 3 p.m. in the Student Center Ballroom. Individuals can submit questions for the forum at The questions will be asked at the next “Campus Talk.”