Responsible UCA Seeks Input from Campus Community

Responsible UCA is seeking comments from the campus community on ways  to save money and conserve energy.

The committee, formed in 2010, is charged with examining the policies and practices of the campus in order to identify cost savings. The committee  also will look for ways the campus can be more responsible in terms of environmental responsibility and sustainability. These can range from litter control to LEED certified buildings and beyond.

Some of the projects implemented so far include installing solar panels on Christian Cafeteria; installing the green roof on Laney Hall; switching from paper bills to E-Bills, a $20,000 annual savings; installing high efficiency washing machines in the residence halls; which will save $22,500 annually; and replacing grass with turf on the softball, baseball and football fields, a $101,000 annual savings.

“These projects are already in the works, and they are the steps in the right direction,” said Jack Gillean, UCA chief of staff and co-chair of the committee. “This committee helps the university save money without removing positions and leaving people without jobs.”

The university could save additional money by employees doing a few things differently, he added.

“We encourage people to change the way they do things daily, like turning off lights when they leave their office or shutting off the computers when they leave at the end of the day,” Gillean said.

To submit ideas or to learn more about Responsible UCA, visit  – Lisa Burnett