Campus Talk Provides Forum for UCA Community

Interim President Tom Courtway and members of the executive staff hosted the first “Campus Talk” on Oct. 11 in the Student Center Ballroom. “Campus Talk” provides faculty, staff and students an opportunity to ask the administration questions in an informal setting.

The next “Campus Talk” is scheduled for Nov. 3 at 3 p.m. in the Student Center Ballroom. Individuals can submit questions for the forum at The questions will be asked at the next “Campus Talk.”

During the Oct. 11 forum, faculty and staff asked various questions ranging from the university’s marketing campaign to the search for a new president.  

Courtway told the group that the marketing slogan, “You Belong,” has been discussed with the university’s advertising agency and that “everything is on the table.”

“There are so many success stories on the academic side, and we’re all proud of them,” Courtway said. “… The slogan doesn’t convey that, so I think that certainly is up for discussion.”

Jeff Pitchford, vice president for university and government relations, added that “You Belong” is the marketing campaign for recruiting high school students and not the motto for the university.

As far as the presidential search, Courtway informed the group that the process has not started.

Courtway also was asked whether he will assist in raising funds for the university in his role as interim president.

“I will go anywhere and do anything if I think it helps UCA,” he said.

When asked if there are plans to change the university’s commencement ceremony, Courtway said there are several logistical problems with moving commencement outdoors and that the ceremony will remain the same.

One person asked Courtway:  In light of recent events over the past few years and the fact that enrollment is down, will there be any research seeing if the public thinks UCA is a good place to send their kids?

Enrollment management personnel may look at reasons why some parents and students chose other institutions as part of the division’s enrollment management plan, Courtway responded.

“I think the students who are here and parents who are sending their loved ones here know this is a great place to go to school,” he added.

UCA’s fall enrollment is 11,163. In 2008, enrollment was at 12,974. About 1,100 of those students were concurrent students. This semester, there are about 350 concurrent students. There also was a slight decline in graduate enrollment.  However, the last two freshman classes have grown.

“We have bounced back because of the two large freshman classes and it is because of the faculty, staff and other students who are here,” Courtway said.

Dr. Robert Parent Parrent, vice president for enrollment management, told the group the ACT average was 23.2 for the freshman class compared to the state average of 19.9. The national average is 21.1.

The Division of Enrollment Management recently completed Bears Care program, a calling campaign that reached parents of almost 1,000 new freshmen.  This effort sought to connect with parents so university officials could determine how well their students were transitioning to UCA, to uncover issues or concerns requiring follow-up within 24 hours, and to ensure that the university was doing all it can to make their student’s experience successful and productive. 

“Feedback was extremely positive and parents were very appreciative that UCA was reaching out to them.” Parrent said. “There was never one word or reference to any of the recent issues or concerns. It was all about their sons and daughters. It was all about the wonderful things the University of Central Arkansas has done, is doing, and will be doing in the future.”

The division also started “Calling New Cubs,” a phone campaign targeting UCA’s freshmen. Currently enrolled students known as “Cub Connect” along with other volunteers contacted new students to see how their experience has been thus far and to ensure that they are working with their advisors to prepare for registration for the spring semester.

 In closing, Courtway reminded the group the forum will be held each month.

“We want your input,” he said. “If you know of things that needs to be done or things that we need to do different, things that we can put on the web page that will help you know about what is going on at  UCA, we will certainly entertain those ideas. We are all in this together.”