Federal Law Calls for UCA to Combat Illegal Downloading

Colleges and universities are required by federal law to combat illegal downloading of copyrighted material and provide alternatives to distribute intellectual property.

On July 1, 2010, a provision of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 went into effect that calls for colleges and universities to implement plans “to effectively combat the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material by users of the institution’s network.”

UCA officials developed and implemented written plans to meet the requirement. Colleges and universities that do not comply with the law could risk losing eligibility for federal student aid. Further information about the provision and UCA’s plans are available at http://www.uca.edu/legal/heoa_copyright.php.

UCA Board of Trustees adopted its Computer Use Policy in 1999. The policy prohibits the use of university owned computers to engage in the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials. Violation of the policy could lead to suspension or expulsion of students or the termination of employment of faculty and staff.

Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties.