College of Education News

New Scholarship Honors Dr. Charlotte Cone

The UCA College of Education College Student Personnel and Administrative Services (CSPA) student organization, Graduate Association of Student Personnel (GASP), and the Department of Leadership Studies honored Dr. Charlotte Cone during the GASP 2011 spring banquet by announcing the establishment of a scholarship in her name.

Dr. Cone recently retired as CSPA program coordinator. Through the volunteer efforts of GASP leaders and members, CSPA program alumni, faculty colleagues, and friends of the program, more than $14,000 was raised to support this outstanding scholarship. The Dr. Charlotte Cone Scholarship generously supports CSPA students and program efforts.

Alumni and friends are welcome to continue support for the scholarship by calling the UCA Foundation office at( 501) 450-5288 or (800) 981-4426, emailing Kathy Carroll at, or contacting the College of Education Department of Leadership Studies at (501) 450-3282 or

Dean Diana G. Pounder Recognized with UCEA Master Professor Award

UCA’s College of Education Dean Diana Pounder is being recognized by the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) at their fall conference with its 2011 Master Professor Award. UCEA is a national consortium research/doctoral granting universities committed to the preparation and practice of educational leaders for the benefit of schools and children.



The UCEA Master Professor Award is given to an individual faculty member who:

  • Has a significant record of scholarship pertaining to educational leadership practice, preparation, development and evaluation.
  • Has a sustained record as an outstanding teacher, as attested to by students and faculty peers; has exhibited educational innovation in the classroom and the extension of educational opportunities to an ever-wider group of students in educational leadership programs.
  • Is an outstanding advisor and mentor of students as evidenced by mentoring students in research projects that address the needs of k-12 educational systems; plays a key role in the advancement of students into leadership positions in Pk-12 systems.
  • Has taken a leadership role in his/her academic unit, as administrators and/or leaders in educational endeavors; has gained a regional and national reputation, as an educational leader and innovator; has accomplished this through participation in regional and national activities as well as in publications in appropriate journals that have impacted the practice of educational leadership/administrators in Pk-12 systems.
  • Has provided outstanding leadership in promoting and supporting diversity in faculty, students, staff, programs, and curriculum in the field of educational leadership.
  • Has provided outstanding public service through participation in public or private agencies, or both bodies that contributive to Pk-16 partnerships and to improving the quality of Pk-16 education throughout state, national, or international arenas.

Dr. Pounder earned her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and worked as an educational leadership professor and researcher for 25 years, primarily at the University of Utah-Salt Lake City, before joining UCA. She also worked in public schools for 10 years as a high school math teacher, a secondary guidance counselor, and a middle school principal at the start of her career in education.

Dr. Pounder is the 2009 recipient of UCEA’s Distinguished Service Award and has been active and assumed leadership roles in national professional organizations, including past editor of Educational Administration Quarterly, president of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), secretary of Division A of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and co-chair of the Joint UCEA, AERA-Division A, TEA-Sig Task Force on Leadership Preparation Effectiveness. She participates actively in a variety of state and national education and policy initiatives, the most recent of which have focused largely on improving and assessing school teacher and leader preparation. In recent years, she frequently serves on research advisory teams for various large-scale national research projects, including revision of the NCES SASS 2011 survey.

Dr. Pounder’s scholarship focuses on building a more equitable and effective education profession to better serve all P-12 students. Her scholarship includes largely empirical studies using correlational and quasi-experimental designs, survey methods, and multivariate quantitative data analysis techniques. These works include empirical research on school leader preparation effectiveness, professor and principal shortages and job desirability, teacher work group effectiveness, distributed leadership, equity in personnel selection and compensation, and other interests related to attracting, retaining, motivating, and developing professional educators.

Her research awards include the 1996 Davis Award for Outstanding EAQ article (co-authored with Rod Ogawa and Ann Adams), and both the Department of Educational Leadership research award and the College of Education research award from the University of Utah. Her scholarly publications appear in Educational Administration Quarterly, Journal of School Leadership, the Australian Journal of Education, Educational Leadership, the School Administrator, and other prominent educational leadership publication outlets.

Dr. Patty Phelps to Serve on Teaching Professor Advisory Board

Dr. Patty Phelps has been appointed to its Advisory Board for a two-year term by Dr. Maryellen Weimer, editor of The Teaching Professor newsletter. She has presented for the past three years at the annual Teaching Professor Conference.

Dr. Patty Phelps, who currently divides her time between teaching in the Department of Teaching and Learning in the College of Education and directing the UCA Instructional Development Center (IDC), will be involved in planning the 9th and 10th annual conferences along with reviewing and evaluating conference proposals. Dr. Phelps is scheduled to present at the conference for each of the two years.

The 2012 conference will be held in Washington, DC on June 1-3 with the theme to “Educate, Engage, Inspire.” Dedicated to the “art and science of better teaching,” The Teaching Professor Conference is attended by faculty from across the United States and around the world. Sessions are devoted to pedagogy rather than disciplinary content, and for the last two years, the conference has maximized its capacity and closed registered. For more information about the conference and newsletter, please see or contact Dr. Patty Phelps,

Orientation Meetings Held for 45 New Leadership Studies Candidates

The faculty in the Department of Leadership Studies recently held their fall orientation meetings for graduate students beginning their studies.

During one session, the department welcomed 45 candidates preparing for leadership careers as school principals, school district superintendents, school district curriculum administrators, school counselors, school librarians, and school district instructional technology specialists. The orientation meetings introduced the faculty and addressed program specific expectations, advising procedures, university policies, Torreyson Library resources.

Professional development was provided guiding candidates with their use of the tools used to deliver online courses such as Blackboard, Centra, and Chalk and Wire portfolios.

During another session, the College Student Personnel Administration and Services (CSPA) program, also housed in the Department of Leadership Studies, welcomed 18 new students at their orientation meeting. Returning CSPA students assisted with this orientation followed by attending their own orientation meeting in preparation for their final year of study.

For more information about the Educational Leadership; Instructional Technology; Library Media and Information Technology; School Counseling; School Leadership, Management, and Administration; and College Student Personnel and Administration graduate programs within the Department of Leadership Studies, contact Dr. Terry James, Chair at and read their web site at