2011 General Assembly News

Several pieces of legislation passed during the 88th Arkansas General Assembly will have an impact on UCA and higher education. 

Act 1203 will change the higher education funding formula and will ultimately mean that 25 percent of the university’s funding will be based on how successful the university meets the performance measures that will be decided later this year. 

The funding level for UCA and all of higher education will remain the same for FY 2012 as it is for the current year.

Act 747  makes changes to the common course numbering system and will address general education hours that an institution may prescribe.  Other acts will mandate institutions to list expenditures and other reports on their websites. 

Legislators also addressed  the future shortfall in lottery proceeds. That will mean freshman this fall will only receive $4,500 per year at UCA. This will not affect the current students who are receiving $5,000 per year.