Instructional Development Center Launches New Blog

The Instructional Development Center is hosting a new program for faculty called Teaching Matters@ UCA. It is a blog for faculty to use to discuss matters of instruction, classroom management and anything pertaining to the art of teaching. The blog is a place for all faculty to transcend time and area boundaries and openly communicate across disciplines.

Since its debut in January, the blog has been growing in the number of people subscribing to and viewing the conversation.  The IDC encourages all faculty members to take an active role in Teaching Matters @ UCA. The IDC is committed to assisting faculty at UCA in their continued improvement of teaching and learning. This blog is an extension of that dedication.  The blog has potential to be a great repository of information for current and future UCA faculty members.

Authors for the blog are Patty Phelps from the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Bill Lammers from the Department of Psychology and Counseling, and Stephanie Vanderslice from the Department of Writing. Each week, one of the authors posts a new topic and from this topic. Faculty are encouraged to respond and discuss the teaching matter presented in the post.

To access the blog, go to If you would like to subscribe to the blog and receive email notifications of new posts, simply submit your email address in the section titled “”Email Subscription.”” To become an active participant in the discussion, follow these directions:

Below each post click the link that reads  “Leave a Comment” or “Comments.”

  • Once this link is clicked it will open all comments that have been made to the post.
  • To comment on the original post, type your response in the text box at the bottom of the page entitled, “Leave a Reply.”
  • To reply to a comment someone else has posted, simply click the “Reply” link below their comment.