College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics News

Kim Penn, an AP Chemistry Teacher at Conway High School, and Dr. William V. Slaton Associate Professor of Physics recently had their article, “Measuring Model Rocket Engine Thrust Curves”,  published in The Physics Teacher, Volume 48, Number 9, December 2010, 591-593.

Mathematics Department Now Offers A Minor In Statistics

The UCA Department of Mathematics’ proposal to offer a minor in statistics has been formally approved. The field of statistics is concerned with ways to explain variability in a data collection. It is the science of making educated guesses in the face of uncertainties.

Several majors including biology, business, chemistry, economics, physics, and psychology- will potentially benefit from this new minor. It will offer students attractive skill sets for data analysis, and will help students engage in undergraduate statistical research.

A degree in mathematics with a minor in statistics will prepare students for a career in banking, insurance, data analysis and actuarial science. The new minor requires 18 hours that include the courses Statistical Methods I, Statistical Methods II, Linear Algebra, Introduction to Probability, Introduction to Statistical Inference, and Applied Statistics. Nine hours of the course

work for the minor must be taken at UCA. In addition to this new minor in statistics, the Department offers minors in mathematics and mathematics education. For more information about the Mathematics Department or its programs, contact 501-450-3147.

Rock Art Project Receives SURF Award

Lennon Bates, a junior biology major and anthropology minor was awarded a SURF grant for $4,000. Dr. Karen Steelman, associate professor of chemistry, mentors Lennon. Lennon’s work focuses on radiocarbon dating of ancient rock art. She is planning on attending graduate school to study anthropology with a focus in forensic anthropology, the study of human remains. Lennon, who is from Bryant, will graduate from UCA in Spring 2012.