College of Fine Arts and Communication News

Lynn Burley, associate professor in writing, presented her paper, “Fred and Ginger, Mary and Joseph  and Bill and Hilary: Who Comes First in a Name Pair?” at the annual meeting of the American Name Society held in Pittsburgh in January.   As a member of the ANS, she also voted for the 2011 Name of the Year, Eyjafjallajökull the Icelandic volcano that erupted last year and wreaked havoc on European travel due to the volcanic ash.  She also participated in the voting for the American Dialect Society’s Word of the Year, app. Both conferences were held in conjunction with the Linguistic Society of America’s annual conference.
John Vanderslice, associate professor of writing, has had a chapter from his novel Yellow accepted for publication by The New Delta Review.  His short story “Range of Motion,” meanwhile, will appear this month in the journal Sou’wester.  Also this month, an interview with him on the subject of remaking the teaching of creating writing will be featured on the blog of Cathy Day, noted fiction and nonfiction writer from Indiana.