UCA President Reflects on the Past Year

As we come to the close of another academic semester and the fast approaching holiday season, it is important to take some time to reflect on the many accomplishments that have taken place over the past year.

UCA has had a very good year and it would not have been possible without a great group of dedicated faculty and staff.

The university has been recognized in several national publications from U.S. News & World Report to the Princeton Review.

Our finances continue to improve. As of November 2010, our overall cash was $38.8 million with $18.8 million in unrestricted cash aided by final reimbursements from stimulus funds.  In November 2008, the overall cash was $6.2 million with $4 million in unrestricted cash. UCA’s current Moody’s debt rating is A3 with a stable outlook up from a low of Baa1 with a negative outlook. There is still plenty of work ahead as we rebuild the university’s reserves.

In an effort to better plan for the university’s future, faculty and staff have been involved in the development new campus-wide master facilities plan, a comprehensive space utilization study, and a long-term strategic plan.

We established the Division of Enrollment Management, which will provide a more streamlined process for student recruitment, admission, enrollment, financial aid and scholarship, and scheduling of classes. The goal of this initiative is to increase student retention and graduation rates.

We saw the challenges of the implementation of a new statewide lottery scholarship program. Our staff made it a smooth process for our students.

The opening of the STEM Residential College was a huge success thanks to our academic, housing and physical plant staff working together to make it happen.

UCA has made great strides and continues to be an outstanding institution for the state of Arkansas. I want to say thank you to everyone for their hard work and dedication. Barbara and I wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year.

Allen C. Meadors, Ph.D. FACHE