College of Business Receives Target Campus Grant

A grant from Target will provide UCA business students an opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to the workforce. The university has been approved for a Target Campus Grant for a Target Case Study Competition.

Student teams in Advanced Financial Management classes will prepare a case study provided by Target. The teams will present their results to a panel of business faculty. The top four teams chosen by the faculty will then have the opportunity to present their results to executives from Target at the end of the semester. The winning team will receive a $4,000 prize funded by the Target grant.

 “I’m excited that we received the grant because it provides student with an extra incentive to work on the cases that we normally do in this course,” Dr. Tammy Rogers, assistant professor of finance. “Since Target will be providing the case for the competition, it also allows students to see how an actual corporation approaches defining a business problem and finding solutions.”

The presentation to Target executives is also a great opportunity for the business students, Rogers added. The majority of students in this class will be graduating within the year and the experience will help them in preparing for their future careers as business professionals.

“The presentation element of the competition will reinforce the fact that finding a solution is important, but being able to effectively communicate those results is equally important in the business world,” she said.