Upcoming Events Around Campus

Madrigal Feaste Slated for Dec. 3, Dec. 5 in McCastalain

The Madrigal Feaste, featuring the UCA Chamber singers, will return on Friday, Dec. 3, and Sunday, Dec. 5 in McCastlain Ballroom.  Seating will begin at 6:30. Tickets are $40. Guests will have their choice of prime rib, chicken florentine or a veggie plate. Call UCA Ticket Central at (501) 450-3265 for ticket arrangements.

UCA Theatre to Present Festival of One Act Plays

UCA Theatre will present a Festival of One Act Plays on December 6-9 at 7:30 p.m. in the Bridges/Larson Theatre of the Snow Fine Arts Center. Three to four different one-act plays will be presented each evening. Each play has been chosen, cast, and directed by the 2010 Directing Class, under the supervision of assistant professor of Theatre, Kevin T. Browne. Admission is free to everyone. Tickets are not required. Doors open at 7 p.m. each evening. Some material may not be suitable for children.

The plays to be presented are:

Dec. 6: The Bear by Anton Chekov, Words, Words, Words by David Ives, To Die in the Country by Shuji Terayam.

 Dec. 7: The Sandbox by Edward Albee, Brush Yourself Off and Move On by Megan Boduch, Waiting by Ethan Cohen, Fight for the Future by Damian Trasler.

Dec. 8: Everyman by Anonymous, Socks by Rosemary Frisino Toohey, Night Call by Archie Wilson.

Dec. 9:  The Cherry Blossom in the Rain by Noritugu Iwamoto, Just One Night by Kim Levin, Brown by Cherie Vogelstein

Further information is also available online at www.uca.edu/theatre.

Budget Advisory Committee Meeting Dates

The meeting dates for the Budget Advisory Committee have been set for the year. All meetings are open to the public. Upcoming committee meetings are: Dec. 9, Wingo 315; Jan. 13, Wingo 315; Feb. 10, Wingo 315; March 10, Wingo 315; and April 21, Wingo 315.  Contact Lynn Burley, chair, at 450-3633 or lburley@uca.edu for more information.

Don Carlo to Continue Met Series

A new production of Giuseppe Verdi’s Don Carlo is set for Dec. 13 as the 2010-11 season of Captured Live from the Met @ UCA continues.  The high definition broadcast of the Metropolitan Opera is set for 7 p.m. in the Reynolds Performance Hall.  Approximately 200 seats are available for each performance at UCA. Tickets are $15 for the public and $5 for students with valid I.D.  To order tickets, call UCA Ticket Central at (501) 450-3265 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday or visit www.uca.edu/tickets.

Educational Seminars and Professional Development Schedule

Sexual Harassment

Dec. 9,   x-period, Student Center #214


This year’s topic of discussion – Sexual Orientation

Dec.  3, 9 – 10:30 a.m., Student Center #215

 Dec. 7, 2 – 3:30 p.m., Student Center #215