Consul of Education Visits UCA, Announces Scholarships

Consul of Education Dr. Yan Guohua from the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Houston met with UCA officials recently to discuss educational opportunities for the university including scholarships for students to study abroad and training Chinese health care professionals.

Dr. Yan announced during his visit that the consulate will offer UCA three full scholarships each year for students to study in China.   

“The University of Central Arkansas is very grateful to Dr. Yan and the People’s Republic of China for making this wonderful opportunity available to its students,” said Dr. Lance Grahn, provost and vice president of academic affairs.  “UCA is dedicated to preparing its students for the global environment in which they will work, and study-abroad remains one of the very best ways for achieving that goal.  In particular, as the host institution for the only Confucius Institute in Arkansas, UCA is especially interested in student, faculty, and business exchanges with China.  So, these new scholarships, which will richly enhance student learning at UCA, are truly valuable to UCA and its students.”  

Dr. Yan also met with Dr. Neil Hattlestad, the dean of the College of Health and Behavioral Sciences, regarding training health care professionals.  Dr. Yan expressed an interest in the possibility of sending students from The People’s Republic of China to UCA to train and return home, and a collaboration between UCA and Chinese universities to help set up training programs in their schools.  

“We have benefitted from our previous trips to China. We look forward to additional opportunities to engage in educational experiences both in China and in this country,” said Dr. Hattlestad.

UCA’s Confucius Institute hosted Consul Yan during his visit.  The mission of the Confucius Institute at University of Central Arkansas is to promote Chinese culture within Arkansas through cultural training, consultation services, seminars, conferences, language training support as well as cultural performances and exhibitions.

UCA established the first Chinese minor program in the state of Arkansas.