College of Fine Arts and Communication News

Dr. James W. Hikins, professor and chair of the Department of Speech Communication and Public Relations, made a  presentation on Nov. 15  at two panels at the 2010 National Communication Association annual conference in San Francisco. They were titled: “The State of Rhetorical and Communication Theory in the Twenty-First Century: Two Provocations” and “@font-face {  font-family: “Arial”;}p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 10pt; font-family: “Times New Roman”; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }“Burke’s Theoretical Omnipresence: Finding Solacein His Relativised Realism.”

Mark Spitzer, assistant professor of writing, recently returned from Paris where he presented his paper “Polemic: The History of Pirated English-Language Translations of Jean Genet’s Poetry (with Chronology)” at the Jean Genet–La Censure dans la Traduction Litteraire panel at the international Genet conference at the Odeon Theatre sponsored by the Federation of International Translators. Spitzer, who is considered the world expert on the poetry of Genet, also spoke in the Ecrire c’est Lever Toutes les Censures panel. Meanwhile, Spitzer’s article “Bob Dylan’s Tarantula: An Arctic Reserve of Untapped Glimmerance Dismissed in a Ratland of Clichés” is being republished in the catalogue for the Richard Prince exhibition at the Bibliotheque Nationale in France. Spitzer also had scholarship on American authors published on the websites for Princeton University Press and the Kenyon Review.