University Conducts “Operation Safe Walk”

Representatives with the UCA Police Department, SGA, UCA Executive Staff, Physical Plant and Housing Department will conduct a safe walk Thursday, Nov. 18 to identify potential safety issues on campus.

The goal of “Operation Safe Walk” is to identify hazards in an effort to make UCA a safer campus. The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Center court yard.

A brief presentation will be made in the Student Center court yard prior to the walk. There will be free refreshments.

Groups, consisting of members from the police department, staff and SGA, will be assigned to zones. Each group will make a list of safety issues discovered during the walk. Individuals can walk with the groups as they tour the campus.

” ‘Operation Safe Walk’ is going to be great opportunity for SGA, Physical Plant, Housing, Executive Staff, and the Police Department to come together and jointly identify safety conditions that require attention,” said University Police Chief Larry James. “Everyone involved has been very supportive and enthusiastic to participate in Operation Safe Walk.We all want the UCA community to know that campus safety is a top priority.”