UCA Unveils New iPhone Application

Where can you get the Reynolds Performance Hall’s Broadway Series schedule, all the latest UCA news and sports scores, campus parking information, and hear the UCA fight song all at your finger tips?

Only at the new UCA iPhone application.

The University of Central Arkansas recently launched the free iPhone app, which includes a calendar of events, a news section, UCA’s YouTube Channel and Flickr gallery. The new iPhone application is free.

“The new iPhone app allows UCA alums and friends around the world to stay in touch with their UCA family,” said UCA President Allen Meadors.

Students can contact faculty or staff by phone or email through the UCA iPhone app directory. Potential students can learn more about the university on the “You Belong” section, which includes personal stories to the steps to apply for financial aid.

The “Bear Zone” provides information about UCA’s history, little known facts and the university’s fight song and alma mater. The map feature helps students and visitors navigate the campus. The map shows locations of campus buildings, parking areas and handicap parking areas.

“I like to know what’s happening on campus,” said Kayla Bradford, a sophomore. “I really like the news feature and directory. I think the iPhone app is very helpful; especially if you are a freshman coming in.”

More people are using mobile devices to access information about the university. Between Sept. 2 and Nov. 2, there were nearly 1.1 million visits to the UCA website. Of the more than 31,720 visits by mobile devices used during that time frame, about 21,320 visits were from an iPhone.

“We are living in a time where people want information instantly,” said UCA Vice President of University & Government Relations Jeff Pitchford.  “We are pleased to be able to provide a resource that will help us stay connected to our students and alumni. We are excited about the iPhone app and feel that it will be a great resource for current and future students.”

The UCA iPhone application can be found on the iTunes App Store by searching University of Central Arkansas as a keyword or at http://itunes.apple.com/app/university-central-arkansas/id393112900.

Learn more about the iPhone app at UCA’s YouTube website.