Campus Meeting on Strategic Plan Initiatives Set Nov. 22

The Strategic Planning and Resources Council will hold a campus-wide meeting Nov. 22 to prioritize initiatives for the university’s strategic plan.

The campus-wide meeting will begin at 2:30 p.m. in the McCastlain Ballroom.

Mike Schaefer, SPARC chairman, said the meeting is crucially important because it gives everyone a chance to participate in setting the university’s priorities for the next three to five years.

“The value of input from across campus is equally important since we need to hear from all areas of campus to make sure we really get the priorities that everyone feels are paramount to our overall reason for existing: helping students become educated and well-rounded people,” he said.

A series of meetings were held in October seeking input from the colleges, departments, and divisions on the university’s initiatives.  Schaefer will compile the information gathered from those meetings into a master list.

“The list will show where individuals are thinking along the same lines and where they diverge,” he said.

The list will be used to guide the discussion on Nov. 22. The proposed initiatives are available at the “Strategic Plan 2010” link on UCA’s homepage.

After priorities are established, SPARC, the Budget Advisory Committee, and the Executive Committee will take on the task of committing resources to those priorities. 

“That process will likely take most of the spring semester, and then we’ll have some actionable initiatives in place for the fall term,” Schaefer said.