Did You Know?

  • In 1937, Lucy Jane Brannon, R.N. was hired as UCA’s first nurse.  She received a salary of $50 per month and free room and board on the UCA campus. 
  • In 1947, ten years after the hiring of UCA’s first college nurse, the student healthcare program expanded somewhat by operating two infirmaries, one for women and one for men.  The women students were treated in Bernard Hall and the men were treated in Doyne Hall and later in Veterans Infirmary. 
  • UCA’s student healthcare has grown from one nurse in 1937 to 28 physical and mental health care providers in 2010.    The Student Health Clinic boasts 14 medical care providers and two support staff.  Additionally, the Counseling Center has five counselors and psychologists, one psychiatrist on contract, two support staff and four graduate trainees per semester.   

Source: “From the Archives” by Jimmy Bryant, director of UCA Archives.