College of Business News

The Theta Lambda Chapterhas been recognized internationally as a Superior Chapter by Beta Alpha Psi, an honors organization for financial information professionals. Under the leadership of professors Stephanie Watson and Trish Mounce,  who serve as faculty advisors, the Theta Lambda Chapter excelled in the areas of academics, professionalism, and leadership.

Dr. John Watt, an associate professor in the Department of Marketing and Management, recently had a paper, “The Interdisciplinary Nature of the Field of Crisis Management: A Call for Research Collaboration”, published in the Organization Development Journal(ODJ).  ODJ seeks to enhance the capacity for practitioner-scholar dialogue, and promotes principles and practices of organizational development and change. The paper was coauthored with Drs. Chris Piotrowski and Terry Armstrong.  Dr. Watt is currently serving as Executive Editor of The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied.
Dr. Joseph D. Cangelosi, Jr., professor of marketing and department chair, and Dr. David Kim, associate professor of marketing have recently had their article titled “Assessment of Face-to-Face Preventive Health Care (PHC) Information Sources: A Demographic Analysis” published in the International Journal of Social Health Information Management, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 31-43.  The paper was co-authored with Dr. Edward Ranelli at the University of West Florida.