College of Health and Behavioral Sciences News

Dr. Kim Dielmann, assistant professor in the Department of Psychology & Counseling presented her research entitled, The International School Psychology Survey:  A further understanding of school psychological services in Western Ukraine, at the International School Psychology Association conference in Dublin, Ireland in July.
Dr. John Murphy’s work in solution-focused therapy is featured in Chip and Dan Heath’s NY Times bestselling book, Switch: How to change when change is hard (2010, Random House). Murphy is a professor in the psychology department.
Dr. Ron Bramlett and Dr. John Murphy, professors of psychology and counseling, co-authored a book chapter with John Hall and Katie Williams-Wolf from Arkansas State University entitled “Reponse to intervention: Key considerations for school personnel engaged in intervention assistance programs” to be published  in J.E. Warnick, K. Warnick, & Laffoon, A. (Eds). Eucational Policy and Practice: The good, the bad, and the pseudoscience. Volume II: Applied Practices (pp. 49-83). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Dr. Ron Bramlett, professor of psychology and counseling, co-authored a paper with Gary Cates of Illinois State University and Elena Savina, from James Madison University entitled “Assessing effectiveness and efficiency of academic interventions in school psychology journals: 1995-2005.” published in  Psychology in the Schools, 47, 114-125.

Dr. Ron Bramlett, professor of psychology and counseling,  and Tricia Benish had an article entitled “Using social stories to decrease aggression and increase positive  peer interactions in normally developing  preschool children.” accepted for publication in Educational Psychology in Practice.

Dr. Tiffany Huitt, assistant professor in the Department of Physical Therapy, along with colleages at Wake Forest University School of Medicine recently had an abstract published in Epilpsia, the Journal of the International League Against Epilepsy, entitled “Imaging Cortical Networks Involved in Preictal and Ictal Childhood Absence Epilepsy with Magnetoencephalography.” Stapleton-Kotloski, J. R.1*, Huitt, T. W. 1*, Boles, W.2, O’Donovan, C. A.2, and Godwin, D. W.1, 2 Epilepsia 0 Suppl. 0, Abstract 3.204, 2010. The paper will also be presented at the American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting, 2010 to be held in San Antonio in December.

Notation: 1Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston Salem,  NC. 2Department of Neurology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem.

Dr. Charlotte Yates, assistant professor of physical therapy and Dr. Kevin Garrision, assistant professor of physical therapy, along with third year DPT Students Allison Burba-Horgan and Brittany Sexson recently learned that the following abstracts have been accepted for presentation at the 2011 American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Section Meeting in New Orleans, LA in February.  Yates C, Garrison MK, Burba-Horgan A, Franz J.  Outcome measures for exploring the mechanisms of hyper-reflexia and spasticity that develop post SCI in the rat and the effects of passive exercise intervention on each outcome measure.  American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section Meeting; New Orleans, LA; February, 2011. Garrison MK, Yates C, Charlesworth A, Burba-Horgan A, Sexton B.  Regional Cx-36 changes following complete SCI and interventions in the rat. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section Meeting; New Orleans, LA; February, 2011.

Dr. Charlotte Yates, assistant professor of physical therapy and Dr. Kevin Garrision, assistant professor of physical therapy recently had a paper published in Translational Neuroscience.   Yates C, Garrison MK, Charlesworth A, Reese NB, Garcia-Rill E. Novel therapies for spinal cord injury (SCI).  Translational Neuroscience.  2010 ; In press.

Dr. Charlotte Yates, assistant professor of physical therapy and Dr. Nancy B. Reese, professor and chairperson of physical therapy, recently had a paper published in Brain Research Bulletin. Liu H, Skinner RD,  Arfaj A, Yates C, Reese NB, Garcia-Rill E. L-dopa effect on frequency-dependent depression of the H-reflex in adult rats with complete spinal cord transection.  Brain Research Bull.  2010; In press.